Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co.
Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co.
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
661 MWe
629 MWe
683 MWe
2061 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
30 Oct, 1977
21 Nov, 1982
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
31 Dec, 1982
22 Apr, 1983
Permanent Shutdown Date
24 Dec, 2019

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
140.27 TW.h
73.1 %
68.7 %
26.9 %
68.5 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2019

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1982 305.300 628 744
1983 2893.200 628 6255 76.1 60.7 60.7 60.8 60.8
1984 3693.180 629 6202 70.6 66.8 64.4 66.8 64.4
1985 5246.510 629 8277 94.5 94.0 75.4 95.2 75.9
1986 4420.410 629 7079 80.8 80.8 76.9 80.2 77.1
1987 5155.790 629 8185 93.4 93.9 80.6 93.6 80.6
1988 4415.350 629 7033 80.1 80.1 80.5 79.9 80.5
1989 5053.160 629 8036 91.7 68.8 78.7 91.7 82.2
1990 4770.320 629 7532 86.0 86.0 79.7 86.6 82.8
1991 5061.970 629 7927 90.5 90.5 80.9 91.9 83.8
1992 4843.340 629 7510 85.5 85.5 81.4 87.7 84.2
1993 5611.300 629 8671 99.0 99.0 83.0 101.8 85.9
1994 4583.120 629 7150 81.6 80.4 82.8 83.2 85.6
1995 4647.110 629 7266 83.0 80.9 82.6 84.3 85.5
1996 4508.180 629 7029 80.0 78.0 82.3 81.6 85.2
1997 5689.600 629 8732 99.7 99.6 83.5 103.3 86.5
1998 4360.380 629 6730 76.8 76.5 83.0 79.1 86.0
1999 4612.950 629 7087 80.9 80.7 82.9 83.7 85.9
2000 4511.590 629 6993 79.6 79.0 82.7 81.7 85.6
2001 4621.980 629 7153 81.7 81.3 82.6 83.9 85.5
2002 5516.160 629 8543 97.5 97.1 83.3 100.1 86.3
2003 4979.970 629 7715 88.1 88.1 83.6 90.4 86.5
2004 5027.480 629 7855 89.4 88.2 83.8 91.0 86.7
2005 4296.280 629 7261 82.9 75.9 83.4 78.0 86.3
2006 4627.580 578 7998 91.3 90.2 83.7 91.4 86.5
2007 4721.950 578 7955 90.8 88.3 83.9 93.3 86.8
2008 4885.570 597 8387 95.5 91.8 84.2 93.2 87.0
2009 1218.270 597 2150 24.5 23.2 82.0 23.3 84.7
2010 0.000 597 0 0.0 0.0 79.1 0.0 81.8
2011 2821.190 660 4402 50.2 48.5 78.0 48.8 80.5
2012 4132.590 657 6280 71.5 82.2 78.2 71.6 80.2
2013 0.000 657 0 0.0 100.0 78.9 0.0 77.5
2014 0.000 657 0 0.0 100.0 79.6 0.0 74.9
2015 3059.910 657 4787 54.6 73.3 79.4 53.2 74.2
2016 3091.810 657 4768 54.3 53.6 78.6 53.6 73.6
2017 2336.640 661 3544 40.5 40.4 77.4 40.4 72.6
2018 0.000 661 0 0.0 0.0 75.2 0.0 70.4
2019 0.000 661 0 0.0 0.0 73.1 0.0 68.5
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-24

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