PRIS related publications

2024: Operating Experience with NPP (OPEX)
Operating Experience with Nuclear Power Stations in Member States, 2023 edition.

This report contains the 55th edition of the IAEA’s series of annual reports on operating experience with nuclear power plants in Member States. It is a direct output from the IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) and contains information on electricity production and overall performance of individual plants during 2023. In addition to annual information, the report contains a historical summary of performance during the lifetime of individual plants and figures illustrating worldwide performance of the nuclear industry. The design characteristics and dashboards of all operational nuclear power plants worldwide are also included.


2024: Nuclear Power Reactors in the World (RDS-2)
Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, Reference Data Series No. 2, 2024 edition.

This is the 44th edition of Reference Data Series No. 2, which presents the most recent reactor data available to the IAEA. It contains summarized information as of the end of 2023 on power reactors operating, under construction and shut down as well as performance data on reactors operating in the IAEA Member States. The information is collected through designated national correspondents in the Member States and the data are used to maintain the IAEA's Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).


2023: Country Nuclear Power Profiles (CNPP)
Country Nuclear Power Profiles, 2023 edition.

The Country Nuclear Power Profiles (CNPP) publication compiles background information on the status and development of nuclear power programmes in Member States. The CNPP's main objectives are to consolidate information about the nuclear power infrastructures in participating countries, and to present factors related to the effective planning, decision making and implementation of nuclear power programmes that together lead to safe and economical operations of nuclear power plants.


2023: Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2050 (RDS-1)
Reference Data Series 1; 2023 Edition

The 43rd edition of Reference Data Series No. 1 contains estimates of energy, electricity, and nuclear power trends up to the year 2050. The publication considers the prospects of new capacity additions, retirements and long term operation of existing units. The 2022 capacity and production data is taken from Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, Reference Data Series No. 2, IAEA, Vienna (2023).RDS-1 is organized into world and regional subsections, with global and regional nuclear power projections presented as low and high cases, encompassing the uncertainties inherent in projecting trends. The low case assumes a continuation of current market and technology trends leading to a modest increase in in global nuclear capacity to 458 GWe by 2050. The high case assumes a more favourable context and leads to a more than doubling of global nuclear power capacity to 890 GWe by 2050. Despite the increasing recognition of nuclear power’s role in climate change mitigation and energy security improvement, the current pace of nuclear power development shows that urgent actions would be needed to maintain the existing role of nuclear power in the energy mix, involving a broad range of actors including policy makers, the nuclear industry, the financing community, and international organizations, along with active engagement with the public.


2022: PRIS Annual Data Press Release
Amid Global Crises, Nuclear Power Provides Energy Security with Increased Electricity Generation in 2021


2021: PRIS 2020 Nuclear Power Status Poster


2021: PRIS Data Press Release
Nuclear Power Proves its Vital Role as an Adaptable, Reliable Supplier of Electricity during COVID-19

Nuclear power operators around the world sustained reliable nuclear power plant (NPP) operation during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to 2020 nuclear power operating data. The IAEA today released its annual nuclear power status data for 2020, collected by the Power Reactor Information System (PRIS), the IAEA’s publicly available and comprehensive database on nuclear power. The utilization of available nuclear power capacity provided reliable, low-emission electricity throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


2020: PRIS 2019 Nuclear Power Status Poster


2919: PRIS 2018 Nuclear Power Status Poster


2019: PRIS Brochure
PRIS - Power Reactor Information System: Past, Present and Future


PRIS-WEDAS User's Manual
User’s Manual to the Web Enabled Data Acquisition System for PRIS
Computer Manual Series 23

This user’s manual has been prepared to provide guidelines and detailed information for each of the data items required and to facilitate the use of the PRIS WEDAS application. The purpose of this manual is to ensure PRIS performance data are collected consistently and that the required quality of data collection is ensured. This PRIS-WEDAS user’s manual replaces reporting instructions published in the IAEA Technical Reports Series No.428.


PRIS STATISTICS – Power Reactor Information System Statistical Reports
User’s Manual: Computer Manual Series 22

This user’s manual provides practical guidelines how to work with PRIS-Statistics application and detailed information for each report in the application. Statistical reports support analyses of nuclear power development and strategies, and the evaluation of nuclear power plant performance. The PRIS database can be used for comprehensive trend analyses and benchmarking against best performers and industrial standards.


PRIS reference document
The Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) and its Extension to Non-electrical Applications, Decommissioning and Delayed Projects Information, IAEA Technical Report Series No. 428, 2005.

The IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) contains detailed information on the nuclear power plants worldwide. It covers a broad range of information, including reactor design characteristics, plant general specifications, operating experience data and non-electrical applications of nuclear power plants such as steam production and desalination. This report describes all the elements of PRIS and explains the rules, coding, terminology and definitions used in the system.


IAEA TECDOC 1393: International Outage Coding System in PRIS
The experience obtained in each individual plant constitutes the most relevant source of information for improving its performance. However, knowledge of performance levels in other plants throughout the utility country and worldwide is also extremely valuable, as there are limitations to what can be learned from in-house experience.

Learning from the experience of others is difficult if the information is not harmonized. Therefore, such systems should be standardized and applicable to all types of reactors, satisfying the needs of the broad set of nuclear power plant operators worldwide and allowing experience to be shared internationally. To cope with the considerable amount of information gathered from nuclear power plants worldwide, it is necessary to codify the information facilitating the identification of causes of outages, systems or component failures. Therefore, the IAEA established the International Outage Coding System, providing worldwide nuclear utilities with a standardized tool for reporting outage information.


IAEA TECDOC 1544 : Nuclear Power Plant Design Characteristics in PRIS
The Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) is a comprehensive data source on nuclear power plants (NPPs) in the world. It includes specification and performance history data of operating reactors as well as of reactors under construction or being decommissioned. The NPP design characteristics represent a fundamental part of the PRIS database. They provide important information on the main systems and components and can provide a comprehensive picture of unit design, technology and system configuration. The characteristics can also be used as basic criteria to group reactors with similar or identical design features for operational performance analysis. The aim of this publication is to provide guidelines for PRIS data providers and to detail information about PRIS design characteristics for those using PRIS data for performance analysis, benchmarking or just as a reliable source of technical information related to NPPs.


WNA Report: Optimized Capacity: Global Trends and Issues
A Report by the World Nuclear Association’s Capacity Optimization Working Group.

This report draws upon data collected in the International Atomic Energy Association’s (IAEA’s) Power Reactor Information Service (PRIS) database to present a snapshot of the performance of the world’s operating nuclear power reactors as well as a breakdown of the principle reasons for capacity loss.


WNA-World Nuclear Performance Report 2016


PRIS is also used to provide materials for other IAEA publications.