
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co.
Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co.
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1011 MWe
1011 MWe
1046 MWe
2912 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Oct, 1979
01 Jan, 1985
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
22 Jan, 1985
30 Sep, 1985

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
267.98 TW.h
82.2 %
82.9 %
17.8 %
83.8 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1985 Data Not Provided
1986 5611.720 895 6529 74.5 73.3 73.3 71.6 71.6
1987 5804.810 895 6665 76.1 78.8 76.0 74.0 72.8
1988 6119.710 895 7005 79.8 79.8 77.3 77.8 74.5
1989 6591.970 895 7206 82.3 82.3 78.5 84.1 76.9
1990 6838.130 895 7923 90.4 90.4 80.9 87.2 79.0
1991 5902.460 895 6578 75.1 75.1 79.9 75.3 78.3
1992 6746.170 895 7349 83.7 83.7 80.5 85.8 79.4
1993 7121.810 895 7721 88.1 88.1 81.4 90.8 80.8
1994 6545.310 890 7128 81.4 79.2 81.2 84.0 81.2
1995 6015.470 895 6863 78.3 73.8 80.4 76.7 80.7
1996 7939.720 895 8431 96.0 95.4 81.8 101.0 82.6
1997 6051.910 895 6503 74.2 73.8 81.1 77.2 82.1
1998 6902.530 895 7325 83.6 82.8 81.3 88.0 82.6
1999 7231.820 895 7615 86.9 86.3 81.6 92.2 83.3
2000 8094.330 895 8399 95.6 95.6 82.6 103.0 84.6
2001 7570.250 895 7881 90.0 89.4 83.0 96.6 85.3
2002 7684.800 895 8062 92.0 90.9 83.4 98.0 86.1
2003 8387.430 895 8689 99.2 99.0 84.3 107.0 87.2
2004 7312.460 895 7630 86.9 86.6 84.4 93.0 87.6
2005 7562.170 895 7885 90.0 89.4 84.7 96.4 88.0
2006 7461.770 963 7813 89.2 88.3 84.9 88.4 88.0
2007 8214.160 964 8503 97.1 96.4 85.4 97.3 88.5
2008 7564.390 979 7854 89.4 88.8 85.6 88.0 88.4
2009 7599.620 1007 7820 89.3 89.0 85.7 88.4 88.4
2010 8799.700 1007 8732 99.7 99.6 86.4 99.8 88.9
2011 8025.130 1011 7971 91.0 90.6 86.5 90.6 89.0
2012 6933.060 1011 6875 78.3 77.9 86.2 78.1 88.6
2013 8861.520 1011 8760 100.0 99.9 86.7 100.1 89.0
2014 7384.180 1011 7332 83.7 83.3 86.6 83.4 88.8
2015 7155.510 1011 7119 81.3 80.7 86.4 80.8 88.5
2016 8860.960 1011 8784 100.0 99.8 86.8 99.8 88.9
2017 432.360 1011 442 5.0 4.9 84.1 4.9 86.1
2018 5606.180 1011 5610 64.0 63.3 83.4 63.3 85.3
2019 6008.100 1011 5962 68.1 67.8 82.9 67.8 84.8
2020 6991.450 1011 6953 79.2 78.7 82.8 78.7 84.6
2021 5582.700 1011 5576 63.6 63.0 82.2 63.0 83.9
2022 8560.230 1011 8528 97.4 96.7 82.6 96.7 84.3
2023 5988.780 1011 6033 68.9 67.6 82.2 67.6 83.8
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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