ST. LAURENT B-2 (Saint-Laurent B 2)


Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
915 MWe
880 MWe
956 MWe
2785 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Jul, 1976
12 May, 1981
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
01 Jun, 1981
01 Aug, 1983

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
225.24 TW.h
72.2 %
75.1 %
27.8 %
68.1 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1981 597.100 880 1301
1982 1356.000 880 2493
1983 4123.000 880 4839 16.7 16.1 16.1 15.8 15.8
1984 5724.000 880 7237 82.4 88.9 67.4 74.0 56.9
1985 5295.600 880 6806 77.7 75.7 70.8 68.7 61.8
1986 5662.800 880 7337 83.8 79.8 73.4 73.5 65.2
1987 5060.200 880 6798 77.6 79.4 74.8 65.6 65.3
1988 5108.000 880 6262 71.3 69.6 73.8 66.1 65.4
1989 5034.030 880 6490 74.1 75.9 74.2 65.3 65.4
1990 5165.860 915 6212 70.9 71.3 73.8 64.4 65.3
1991 6043.040 915 7374 84.2 84.2 75.0 75.4 66.5
1992 5490.130 915 6982 79.5 79.4 75.5 68.3 66.7
1993 5042.240 915 6149 70.2 64.1 74.4 62.9 66.3
1994 6322.700 915 7406 84.5 81.2 75.0 78.9 67.5
1995 5311.310 915 6720 76.7 72.1 74.8 66.3 67.4
1996 6057.670 915 7303 83.1 80.8 75.2 75.4 68.0
1997 5960.690 915 7147 81.6 78.1 75.4 74.4 68.4
1998 6415.270 915 7585 86.6 83.2 75.9 80.0 69.2
1999 5845.850 915 7013 80.1 77.2 76.0 72.9 69.4
2000 5134.000 915 6069 69.1 67.0 75.5 63.9 69.1
2001 6046.650 915 7226 82.5 80.1 75.8 75.4 69.4
2002 6215.020 915 7434 84.9 82.7 76.1 77.5 69.9
2003 4702.440 915 5580 63.7 61.6 75.4 58.7 69.3
2004 6468.600 915 7838 89.2 85.6 75.9 80.5 69.8
2005 5728.050 915 7038 80.3 77.0 75.9 71.4 69.9
2006 6004.320 915 7580 86.5 88.3 76.5 74.9 70.1
2007 5906.810 915 6949 79.3 74.7 76.4 73.7 70.3
2008 6581.430 915 7784 88.6 86.1 76.8 81.9 70.7
2009 6175.760 915 7086 80.9 77.3 76.8 77.0 71.0
2010 6694.830 915 7737 88.3 83.6 77.0 83.5 71.4
2011 5285.010 915 6171 70.4 66.2 76.7 65.9 71.2
2012 6501.970 915 7591 86.4 81.4 76.8 80.9 71.6
2013 3380.080 915 3990 45.6 42.4 75.7 42.2 70.6
2014 5991.680 915 7035 80.3 75.2 75.7 74.8 70.7
2015 6132.940 915 7188 82.0 79.0 75.8 76.5 70.9
2016 5812.800 915 6867 78.2 74.6 75.7 72.3 71.0
2017 6252.540 915 7246 82.7 79.2 75.8 78.0 71.2
2018 5268.720 915 6257 71.4 66.6 75.6 65.7 71.0
2019 4987.680 915 6030 68.8 63.6 75.2 62.2 70.8
2020 6094.770 915 7807 88.9 78.8 75.3 75.8 70.9
2021 4799.080 915 5972 68.2 60.5 75.0 59.9 70.6
2022 2756.210 915 3256 37.2 34.6 73.9 34.4 69.7
2023 500.780 915 1019 11.6 6.2 72.2 6.2 68.1
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-10

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