
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
P4 REP 1300
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1310 MWe
1310 MWe
1363 MWe
3817 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Aug, 1980
25 May, 1988
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
06 Jul, 1988
01 Jan, 1989

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
290.20 TW.h
76.5 %
78.7 %
23.5 %
71.6 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1988 2087.000 1310 2477
1989 8505.660 1310 7419 84.7 86.6 86.6 74.1 74.1
1990 6323.980 1310 5350 61.1 56.9 71.8 55.1 64.6
1991 7876.290 1310 6578 75.1 70.3 71.3 68.6 66.0
1992 8262.050 1310 6904 78.6 75.3 72.3 71.8 67.4
1993 8871.340 1310 7435 84.9 80.1 73.8 77.3 69.4
1994 8241.320 1310 7122 81.3 76.9 74.4 71.8 69.8
1995 7960.500 1310 7438 84.9 97.5 77.7 69.4 69.7
1996 7229.810 1310 6666 75.9 71.2 76.8 62.8 68.9
1997 8508.100 1310 7339 83.8 82.0 77.4 74.1 69.5
1998 5068.010 1310 4239 48.4 45.0 74.2 44.2 66.9
1999 4899.260 1310 4040 46.1 43.3 71.4 42.7 64.7
2000 9882.480 1310 8271 94.2 96.7 73.5 85.9 66.5
2001 8457.970 1310 6935 79.2 78.6 73.9 73.7 67.0
2002 9378.750 1310 7687 87.8 84.3 74.6 81.7 68.1
2003 8624.720 1310 7135 81.4 79.4 75.0 75.2 68.6
2004 10202.590 1310 8621 98.1 97.0 76.3 88.7 69.8
2005 9242.310 1310 7767 88.6 84.4 76.8 80.5 70.4
2006 8743.630 1310 7309 83.4 79.1 76.9 76.2 70.8
2007 9516.030 1310 7895 90.1 88.6 77.6 82.9 71.4
2008 9734.880 1310 8327 94.8 92.4 78.3 84.6 72.1
2009 6310.850 1310 5166 59.0 55.6 77.2 55.0 71.3
2010 7869.740 1310 6361 72.6 70.0 76.9 68.6 71.1
2011 10390.880 1310 8727 99.6 96.1 77.7 90.6 72.0
2012 8959.340 1310 7456 84.9 81.9 77.9 77.9 72.2
2013 7480.480 1310 6273 71.6 69.4 77.6 65.2 72.0
2014 10177.690 1310 8753 99.9 98.9 78.4 88.7 72.6
2015 9264.450 1310 7444 85.0 81.5 78.5 80.7 72.9
2016 8068.560 1310 6779 77.2 72.6 78.3 70.1 72.8
2017 8376.520 1310 6633 75.7 75.0 78.2 73.0 72.8
2018 7508.770 1310 6173 70.5 65.8 77.8 65.4 72.6
2019 4402.580 1310 3481 39.7 38.6 76.5 38.4 71.4
2020 10421.330 1310 8606 98.0 95.8 77.1 90.6 72.0
2021 8432.450 1310 6773 77.3 74.5 77.0 73.5 72.1
2022 7778.250 1310 6194 70.7 68.2 76.8 67.8 72.0
2023 7004.380 1310 6192 70.7 67.4 76.5 61.0 71.6
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-10

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