Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
EnBW Kernkraft GmbH
EnBW Kernkraft GmbH
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1402 MWe
1268 MWe
1468 MWe
3950 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
07 Jul, 1977
13 Dec, 1984
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
17 Dec, 1984
18 Apr, 1985
Permanent Shutdown Date
31 Dec, 2019

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
357.04 TW.h
87.2 %
88.2 %
12.8 %
86.0 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2019

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1984 26.000 1268 110
1985 9359.820 1268 7896 96.8 94.6 94.6 95.0 95.0
1986 10235.290 1268 7958 90.8 90.6 92.2 92.2 93.3
1987 9616.230 1268 7446 85.0 85.0 89.5 86.6 90.8
1988 9710.850 1268 7656 87.2 86.5 88.7 87.2 89.8
1989 9677.250 1268 7575 86.5 86.2 88.1 87.1 89.2
1990 8516.340 1268 6628 75.7 75.5 85.9 76.7 87.0
1991 9903.330 1276 7757 88.6 88.0 86.2 89.1 87.3
1992 9399.950 1324 7273 82.8 82.2 85.7 83.2 86.8
1993 10481.330 1324 7946 90.7 90.5 86.3 90.4 87.2
1994 10284.770 1336 7778 88.8 88.7 86.5 87.9 87.3
1995 10550.550 1336 7990 91.2 91.0 87.0 90.2 87.6
1996 11217.640 1358 8323 94.8 94.7 87.7 94.0 88.2
1997 11113.500 1358 8358 95.4 95.3 88.3 93.4 88.6
1998 10731.470 1358 8304 94.8 93.0 88.6 90.2 88.7
1999 11122.950 1358 8431 96.2 96.1 89.2 93.5 89.0
2000 10689.100 1392 8115 92.4 92.2 89.4 89.2 89.1
2001 8995.770 1392 6749 77.0 76.6 88.6 73.8 88.1
2002 11053.160 1392 8138 92.9 92.4 88.8 90.6 88.2
2003 11010.160 1392 8234 94.0 93.5 89.1 90.3 88.4
2004 10295.050 1392 7641 87.0 86.9 88.9 84.2 88.1
2005 10823.360 1392 8099 92.4 89.3 89.0 88.8 88.2
2006 10956.190 1392 8138 92.9 91.2 89.1 89.8 88.2
2007 11172.850 1392 8254 94.2 92.1 89.2 91.6 88.4
2008 10840.800 1392 7953 90.5 88.7 89.2 88.7 88.4
2009 10969.600 1392 8104 92.5 92.3 89.3 90.0 88.5
2010 11192.140 1402 8146 93.0 91.6 89.4 91.1 88.6
2011 10727.210 1402 7901 90.2 89.0 89.4 87.3 88.5
2012 10227.820 1402 7523 85.6 85.5 89.2 83.0 88.3
2013 8714.510 1402 6422 73.3 73.1 88.7 71.0 87.7
2014 9631.540 1402 7197 82.2 82.0 88.4 78.4 87.4
2015 10621.370 1402 7932 90.6 90.4 88.5 86.5 87.4
2016 9697.030 1402 7231 82.3 82.2 88.3 78.7 87.1
2017 7380.910 1402 5535 63.2 63.1 87.5 60.1 86.2
2018 10323.150 1402 7939 90.6 84.0 87.4 84.0 86.2
2019 9963.120 1402 7851 89.6 81.2 87.2 81.1 86.0
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-10-03