Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
1. (98.45%) EnBW 2. (1.55%) four other owners
EnBW Kernkraft GmbH
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
785 MWe
805 MWe
840 MWe
2497 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Feb, 1972
26 May, 1976
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
03 Jun, 1976
01 Dec, 1976
Permanent Shutdown Date
06 Aug, 2011

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
186.80 TW.h
83.0 %
84.7 %
17.0 %
76.8 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2011

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1976 1932.700 791 3500 88.4 89.3 89.3 86.4 86.4
1977 4946.600 810 6513 74.4 70.6 72.0 69.7 71.0
1978 4934.500 810 6583 75.2 70.2 71.1 69.5 70.3
1979 3573.000 810 4698 53.6 53.6 65.5 50.4 63.8
1980 5473.000 810 7080 80.6 77.8 68.5 76.9 67.0
1981 5949.300 810 7705 88.0 84.9 71.7 83.8 70.4
1982 5781.100 810 7517 85.8 82.4 73.5 81.5 72.2
1983 6047.000 810 7910 90.3 85.3 75.1 85.2 74.0
1984 5842.000 795 7618 86.7 83.1 76.1 83.7 75.2
1985 6161.440 795 8050 91.9 88.8 77.5 88.5 76.6
1986 4153.100 795 5368 61.3 59.6 75.7 59.6 75.0
1987 5395.130 795 6828 78.0 76.8 75.8 77.5 75.2
1988 5269.360 795 6772 77.1 75.5 75.8 75.5 75.2
1989 4019.490 795 6395 73.0 64.2 74.9 57.7 73.9
1990 5754.050 785 7524 85.9 82.8 75.5 83.7 74.6
1991 5404.460 785 7614 86.9 85.0 76.1 78.6 74.8
1992 5270.060 785 7470 85.0 83.6 76.6 76.4 74.9
1993 5559.540 785 7371 84.1 81.6 76.8 80.8 75.3
1994 6307.840 785 8184 93.4 92.0 77.7 91.7 76.2
1995 5966.000 785 8020 91.6 87.4 78.2 86.8 76.7
1996 6054.500 785 8301 94.5 92.0 78.8 87.8 77.3
1997 6230.190 785 8305 94.8 92.6 79.5 90.6 77.9
1998 5907.770 785 8185 93.4 91.1 80.0 85.9 78.2
1999 5849.130 785 8022 91.6 90.0 80.4 85.1 78.5
2000 6141.400 785 8284 94.3 94.2 81.0 89.1 79.0
2001 5991.540 785 8038 91.8 88.1 81.3 87.1 79.3
2002 6238.320 785 8239 94.0 92.7 81.7 90.7 79.7
2003 6023.980 785 8304 94.8 90.5 82.0 87.6 80.0
2004 5928.460 785 8270 94.2 89.7 82.3 86.0 80.2
2005 5882.680 785 8069 92.1 86.9 82.5 85.6 80.4
2006 6182.170 785 8250 94.2 93.1 82.8 89.9 80.7
2007 4713.530 785 8153 93.1 92.2 83.1 68.5 80.3
2008 3786.950 785 6990 79.6 77.6 82.9 54.9 79.5
2009 4361.970 785 8317 94.9 94.6 83.3 63.4 79.0
2010 1910.470 785 5949 67.9 62.2 82.7 27.8 77.6
2011 1354.980 785 1799 35.4 98.8 83.0 33.9 76.8
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-10

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