
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
BWR-5 (Mark 2)
Exelon Nuclear, Électricité de France
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1277 MWe
1100 MWe
1320 MWe
3988 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Aug, 1975
23 May, 1987
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
08 Aug, 1987
11 Mar, 1988

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
313.16 TW.h
88.1 %
87.0 %
11.9 %
86.0 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1987 Data from a trial operation not provided
1988 2540.560 1045 2800 38.6 49.1 49.1 33.6 33.6
1989 4288.280 1072 4824 55.1 56.4 53.2 45.8 40.4
1990 4140.410 1090 4697 53.6 54.4 53.6 43.7 41.5
1991 6562.930 1097 6484 74.0 75.1 59.3 68.6 48.7
1992 5144.970 1062 5169 58.8 61.8 59.9 54.5 49.9
1993 7191.090 994 7195 82.1 82.2 63.6 78.3 54.7
1994 8355.900 994 8243 94.1 93.9 67.8 96.0 60.4
1995 7253.680 1108 6848 78.2 78.9 69.2 78.0 62.6
1996 8698.500 1105 7811 88.9 89.8 71.6 89.5 65.8
1997 8877.990 1105 8279 94.5 94.9 74.1 91.7 68.5
1998 7307.160 1105 7028 80.2 80.8 74.7 75.5 69.2
1999 8782.300 1123 7810 89.2 89.1 76.0 88.9 70.9
2000 8001.520 1123 7204 82.0 81.7 76.5 81.1 71.8
2001 8858.850 1119 7964 90.9 90.7 77.5 90.4 73.2
2002 8417.500 1119 7473 85.3 85.1 78.0 85.9 74.0
2003 9566.870 1119 8448 96.4 96.4 79.2 97.6 75.6
2004 8643.480 1119 7788 88.7 88.5 79.8 87.9 76.3
2005 9961.020 1135 8760 100.0 100.0 81.0 100.2 77.7
2006 9081.580 1135 8100 92.5 92.5 81.6 91.3 78.5
2007 9201.140 1140 8286 94.6 94.6 82.3 92.1 79.2
2008 9082.390 1140 8063 91.8 91.8 82.8 90.7 79.8
2009 9921.920 1142 8760 100.0 100.0 83.6 99.2 80.7
2010 8944.980 1143 7934 90.6 90.6 83.9 89.3 81.1
2011 9568.300 1119 8450 96.5 96.4 84.4 97.6 81.8
2012 8418.340 1276 7119 81.0 81.9 84.3 80.3 81.7
2013 10942.300 1277 8622 98.4 98.4 85.0 97.8 82.4
2014 9822.730 1276 7755 88.5 88.5 85.1 87.9 82.6
2015 11072.560 1277 8647 98.7 98.7 85.7 99.0 83.3
2016 10123.110 1277 7935 90.3 90.3 85.8 90.2 83.6
2017 11122.230 1277 8695 99.3 99.3 86.4 99.4 84.2
2018 10094.770 1277 7988 91.2 91.8 86.6 90.2 84.4
2019 10993.810 1277 8760 100.0 100.0 87.0 98.3 84.9
2020 10167.610 1277 8059 91.8 91.8 87.2 90.6 85.1
2021 11124.490 1277 8760 100.0 100.0 87.6 99.4 85.6
2022 9804.760 1277 7935 90.6 90.6 87.7 87.6 85.6
2023 10899.530 1277 8632 98.5 99.6 88.1 97.4 86.0
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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