
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
BWR-5 (Mark 2)
Exelon Corporation
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1137 MWe
1078 MWe
1207 MWe
3546 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
10 Sep, 1973
21 Jun, 1982
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
04 Sep, 1982
01 Jan, 1984

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
314.47 TW.h
83.3 %
82.7 %
16.7 %
82.2 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1982 460.800 1078 1858
1983 1639.800 1078 3087
1984 5206.210 1078 6052 68.9 69.4 69.4 55.0 55.0
1985 4827.460 1036 5581 63.7 63.7 66.6 53.2 54.1
1986 2100.750 1036 2331 26.6 25.8 53.2 23.2 43.9
1987 4108.120 1036 5455 62.3 61.9 55.4 45.3 44.3
1988 5453.670 1036 5818 66.2 65.9 57.4 59.9 47.4
1989 6180.580 1036 6103 69.7 69.7 59.5 68.1 50.8
1990 8637.380 1036 8329 95.1 95.0 64.5 95.2 57.1
1991 6841.440 1036 6627 75.6 75.4 65.9 75.4 59.4
1992 6469.280 1036 6528 74.3 74.0 66.8 71.1 60.7
1993 7207.510 1036 7102 81.1 81.0 68.2 79.4 62.5
1994 4945.320 1036 5095 58.2 57.8 67.2 54.5 61.8
1995 8239.560 1036 8226 93.9 93.9 69.4 90.8 64.2
1996 3300.360 1036 3349 38.1 37.5 67.0 36.3 62.1
1997 0.000 1036 0 0.0 0.0 62.2 0.0 57.6
1998 3336.670 1036 3174 36.2 36.3 60.5 36.8 56.3
1999 8013.680 1036 7963 90.9 90.8 62.4 88.3 58.3
2000 9745.390 1114 8784 100.0 100.0 64.7 102.8 61.0
2001 9850.360 1111 8708 99.4 99.4 66.7 101.0 63.4
2002 8927.600 1111 7945 90.7 90.6 68.1 91.7 64.9
2003 9739.030 1111 8716 99.5 99.5 69.7 100.1 66.8
2004 9051.530 1111 8059 91.8 91.5 70.8 92.8 68.1
2005 9811.960 1146 8760 100.0 100.0 72.3 97.7 69.6
2006 9092.070 1118 8129 92.8 92.8 73.2 92.8 70.6
2007 9664.630 1118 8760 100.0 100.0 74.4 98.7 71.8
2008 8883.770 1118 8103 92.2 92.3 75.1 90.5 72.6
2009 9700.710 1118 8580 98.0 98.0 76.0 99.0 73.7
2010 9207.030 1118 8119 92.7 92.7 76.7 94.0 74.5
2011 9851.680 1118 8529 97.4 97.4 77.5 100.6 75.4
2012 9471.230 1137 8213 93.5 93.6 78.0 95.1 76.2
2013 9774.520 1137 8465 96.6 100.0 78.8 98.1 76.9
2014 9267.740 1137 8092 92.4 92.4 79.3 93.0 77.5
2015 10153.400 1137 8760 100.0 100.0 80.0 101.9 78.3
2016 9054.090 1137 8019 91.3 91.3 80.3 90.7 78.7
2017 9856.320 1137 8541 97.5 97.5 80.8 99.0 79.3
2018 9347.130 1137 8117 92.7 92.8 81.2 93.8 79.8
2019 10026.810 1137 8680 99.1 99.1 81.7 100.7 80.4
2020 9535.890 1137 8342 95.0 95.0 82.1 95.5 80.8
2021 10066.170 1137 8760 100.0 100.0 82.6 101.1 81.3
2022 9275.000 1137 8160 93.2 93.2 82.9 93.1 81.6
2023 10095.550 1137 8760 100.0 99.8 83.3 101.4 82.2
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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