
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
894 MWe
906 MWe
925 MWe
2817 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Sep, 1970
12 Aug, 1977
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
28 Aug, 1977
31 Jul, 1978

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
259.85 TW.h
75.5 %
75.8 %
24.5 %
74.0 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1977 709.400 906 1452
1978 2614.500 906 4263 54.7 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3
1979 3129.100 906 4139 47.2 39.4 39.4 39.4 39.4
1980 2093.600 892 3171 36.1 35.0 37.6 26.7 34.2
1981 4363.400 888 5902 67.4 67.4 46.2 56.1 40.5
1982 3218.100 874 4508 51.5 51.5 47.4 42.0 40.9
1983 4883.300 874 6389 72.9 72.3 51.9 63.8 45.0
1984 4291.560 874 5486 62.4 62.5 53.5 55.9 46.7
1985 1942.920 860 2729 31.2 30.9 50.6 25.7 43.9
1986 3.490 860 116 1.3 1.3 44.8 0.0 38.8
1987 5063.980 860 7308 83.4 82.8 48.8 67.2 41.8
1988 1164.400 860 1891 21.5 20.4 46.1 15.4 39.3
1989 7322.110 860 8506 97.1 97.1 50.5 96.0 44.2
1990 4161.470 874 4867 55.6 55.6 51.0 54.4 45.0
1991 5843.860 874 6962 79.5 78.6 53.0 76.3 47.4
1992 7650.490 877 8742 99.5 99.5 56.2 99.3 51.0
1993 6083.400 868 7246 82.7 82.7 58.0 79.7 52.8
1994 6385.000 868 7667 87.5 86.9 59.7 84.0 54.7
1995 7670.570 871 8760 100.0 100.0 62.0 100.8 57.4
1996 6456.290 873 7452 84.8 84.8 63.2 84.3 58.8
1997 7183.360 873 8184 93.4 93.4 64.8 93.9 60.6
1998 6130.680 873 7181 82.0 82.0 65.6 80.2 61.6
1999 7369.990 873 8311 94.9 94.9 67.0 96.4 63.2
2000 6770.530 882 7633 86.9 87.0 67.9 87.9 64.3
2001 7690.850 882 8738 99.8 99.8 69.3 99.5 65.8
2002 929.020 882 1081 12.3 12.4 66.9 12.0 63.6
2003 0.000 882 0 0.0 0.0 64.3 0.0 61.1
2004 5778.430 882 6628 75.5 75.6 64.7 74.6 61.6
2005 7177.430 873 8125 92.8 92.8 65.7 93.8 62.8
2006 6375.420 891 7265 82.9 82.9 66.3 81.7 63.4
2007 7705.800 879 8712 99.4 99.4 67.5 100.1 64.7
2008 6829.440 894 7621 86.8 86.6 68.1 88.0 65.5
2009 7609.610 879 8361 95.4 95.4 69.0 98.8 66.5
2010 5188.160 894 5851 66.8 67.4 68.9 66.2 66.5
2011 6339.240 894 7012 80.0 80.1 69.2 81.0 67.0
2012 7101.700 894 7868 89.6 89.6 69.9 90.4 67.6
2013 7679.220 894 8451 96.5 96.5 70.6 98.0 68.5
2014 5972.420 894 6453 73.7 73.7 70.7 76.3 68.7
2015 7893.920 894 8684 99.1 99.1 71.5 100.8 69.6
2016 6394.930 894 7321 83.3 83.4 71.8 81.4 69.9
2017 7876.430 894 8760 100.0 100.0 72.5 100.6 70.7
2018 7380.270 894 8169 93.2 93.2 73.0 94.2 71.3
2019 7839.460 894 8632 98.5 98.6 73.7 100.1 72.0
2020 7228.060 894 8130 92.6 92.6 74.1 92.0 72.5
2021 7827.040 894 8682 99.1 99.1 74.7 99.9 73.1
2022 6486.640 894 7310 83.4 83.5 74.9 82.8 73.4
2023 7985.730 894 8760 100.0 100.0 75.5 102.0 74.0
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-18

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