
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Virginia Electric Power Co.
Dominion Energy
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
948 MWe
907 MWe
990 MWe
2940 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
19 Feb, 1971
05 Apr, 1978
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
17 Apr, 1978
06 Jun, 1978

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
305.40 TW.h
85.1 %
85.1 %
14.9 %
83.8 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1978 3971.500 898 5420 92.8 81.4 81.4 79.4 79.4
1979 4188.700 898 5399 61.6 53.2 63.6 53.2 62.9
1980 5631.000 878 7589 86.4 87.2 72.7 73.0 66.8
1981 4637.900 860 5703 65.1 65.6 70.8 61.6 65.4
1982 2397.900 865 3027 34.6 34.7 63.0 31.6 58.1
1983 5310.400 872 6277 71.7 71.6 64.6 69.5 60.2
1984 3784.800 883 4425 50.4 50.3 62.4 48.8 58.4
1985 5798.930 893 6820 77.8 77.9 64.4 74.2 60.5
1986 6310.740 893 7327 83.6 83.7 66.7 80.7 62.9
1987 3568.910 915 4523 51.6 52.1 65.1 44.6 60.9
1988 6897.300 915 7760 88.3 88.6 67.4 85.8 63.4
1989 4303.320 915 4978 56.8 57.8 66.6 53.7 62.5
1990 7233.540 911 8726 99.6 99.6 69.3 90.5 64.8
1991 5625.820 911 6549 74.8 75.2 69.7 70.5 65.2
1992 5358.080 848 7225 82.2 81.5 70.5 71.1 65.6
1993 5692.650 911 6444 73.6 73.5 70.7 73.0 66.1
1994 6795.700 900 8012 91.5 91.6 72.0 86.2 67.3
1995 7839.170 893 8733 99.7 99.7 73.5 99.8 69.2
1996 6945.500 893 7985 90.9 91.0 74.5 88.5 70.2
1997 7157.530 893 7992 91.2 91.3 75.3 91.5 71.3
1998 7217.050 893 8091 92.4 92.4 76.2 92.3 72.3
1999 8124.460 893 8760 100.0 100.0 77.3 103.9 73.8
2000 7213.080 893 7997 91.0 91.1 77.9 92.0 74.6
2001 7120.790 925 8010 91.4 91.5 78.5 87.9 75.2
2002 8164.340 925 8760 100.0 100.0 79.4 100.8 76.2
2003 6519.920 925 7200 82.2 82.2 79.5 80.5 76.4
2004 7418.350 925 8023 91.3 91.4 80.0 91.3 77.0
2005 8091.860 925 8744 99.8 99.8 80.7 99.8 77.8
2006 7142.740 924 7861 89.7 89.8 81.0 88.2 78.2
2007 7215.140 903 7854 89.7 89.4 81.3 91.2 78.7
2008 7986.830 903 8784 100.0 100.0 81.9 100.7 79.4
2009 7302.500 903 8017 91.5 91.5 82.2 92.3 79.8
2010 6779.930 903 7496 85.6 85.6 82.3 85.7 80.0
2011 6243.130 920 6746 77.0 77.4 82.2 77.5 79.9
2012 7170.900 943 7531 85.7 86.0 82.3 87.3 80.1
2013 7672.820 943 7922 90.4 90.4 82.5 92.9 80.5
2014 8279.470 943 8546 97.6 97.6 83.0 100.2 81.1
2015 7789.980 948 8141 92.9 93.0 83.2 93.8 81.4
2016 7629.400 948 7925 90.2 90.2 83.4 91.6 81.7
2017 8492.340 948 8760 100.0 100.0 83.9 102.3 82.2
2018 7568.380 948 7893 90.1 90.1 84.0 91.1 82.5
2019 7850.410 948 8159 93.1 93.2 84.3 94.5 82.8
2020 8468.830 948 8783 100.0 100.0 84.6 101.7 83.2
2021 6896.850 948 7276 83.1 83.1 84.6 83.0 83.2
2022 7485.980 948 7812 89.2 89.2 84.7 90.1 83.4
2023 8412.100 948 8720 99.5 99.9 85.1 101.3 83.8
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-02-15

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