
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee Valley Authority
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1152 MWe
1148 MWe
1221 MWe
3455 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
27 May, 1970
05 Jul, 1980
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
22 Jul, 1980
01 Jul, 1981

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
323.90 TW.h
78.2 %
78.0 %
21.8 %
76.4 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1980 518.840 1148 834
1981 4806.210 1128 4984 60.9 62.1 62.1 50.7 50.7
1982 4909.700 1128 4626 52.8 53.4 56.3 49.7 50.0
1983 7340.900 1139 6791 77.5 78.2 65.1 73.6 59.5
1984 6104.700 1148 5992 68.2 69.1 66.2 60.5 59.8
1985 4076.070 1148 3760 42.9 44.7 61.4 40.5 55.5
1986 0.000 1148 0 0.0 0.0 50.2 0.0 45.4
1987 0.000 1148 0 0.0 0.0 42.4 0.0 38.3
1988 127.690 1148 282 3.2 6.4 37.6 1.3 33.4
1989 9550.600 1148 8624 98.4 98.5 44.8 95.0 40.6
1990 6840.680 1148 6406 73.1 74.0 47.9 68.0 43.5
1991 7270.130 1122 6774 77.3 77.6 50.6 74.0 46.4
1992 8402.490 1122 7734 88.0 88.2 53.9 85.3 49.7
1993 1290.510 1122 1219 13.9 14.8 50.8 13.1 46.8
1994 6111.640 1111 5774 65.9 66.0 51.9 62.8 48.0
1995 6829.490 1111 6620 75.6 75.6 53.5 70.2 49.5
1996 9293.490 1117 8344 95.0 95.1 56.1 95.1 52.4
1997 8324.300 1117 7486 85.5 85.5 57.9 85.1 54.3
1998 8905.680 1122 7966 90.9 91.0 59.8 90.9 56.4
1999 9986.980 1122 8760 100.0 100.0 61.9 101.6 58.8
2000 7720.480 1122 6988 79.6 79.5 62.8 78.3 59.8
2001 9018.990 1122 7988 91.2 91.2 64.2 91.8 61.4
2002 9953.530 1125 8760 100.0 100.0 65.8 101.1 63.2
2003 7351.130 1125 6443 73.6 73.6 66.2 74.6 63.7
2004 9290.480 1148 8027 91.4 91.4 67.3 92.1 64.9
2005 10076.530 1150 8658 98.8 98.8 68.6 100.0 66.4
2006 9086.030 1150 7915 90.4 90.4 69.4 90.2 67.3
2007 8758.290 1148 7668 87.5 87.5 70.1 87.1 68.1
2008 10164.800 1148 8738 99.5 99.5 71.2 100.8 69.3
2009 8962.170 1148 7820 89.3 89.3 71.9 89.1 70.0
2010 8464.090 1152 7524 85.9 86.0 72.4 83.9 70.5
2011 9888.540 1152 8636 98.6 98.6 73.2 98.0 71.4
2012 8945.170 1152 7907 90.0 90.0 73.8 88.4 71.9
2013 8805.630 1152 7834 89.4 89.4 74.2 87.2 72.4
2014 10051.760 1152 8760 100.0 100.0 75.0 99.6 73.2
2015 7771.730 1152 7196 82.2 82.2 75.2 77.0 73.4
2016 7673.620 1152 6783 77.2 77.2 75.3 75.8 73.4
2017 9378.860 1152 8420 96.1 96.1 75.9 92.9 74.0
2018 8916.870 1152 7858 89.7 89.7 76.2 88.4 74.4
2019 8189.640 1152 7523 85.9 85.9 76.5 81.2 74.5
2020 9846.770 1152 8627 98.2 98.2 77.1 97.3 75.1
2021 8836.620 1152 7810 89.2 89.2 77.4 87.6 75.4
2022 9049.980 1152 7956 90.8 90.8 77.7 89.7 75.8
2023 10112.900 1152 8760 100.0 100.0 78.2 100.2 76.4
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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