
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
PG&E Corporation
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1118 MWe
1106 MWe
1197 MWe
3411 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
09 Dec, 1970
19 Aug, 1985
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
20 Oct, 1985
13 Mar, 1986

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
317.11 TW.h
88.6 %
88.6 %
11.4 %
86.9 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1985 540.550 1093 1213
1986 6757.710 1079 7078 95.4 95.4 95.4 86.2 86.2
1987 5728.780 1079 5752 65.7 65.4 78.8 60.6 72.0
1988 6243.350 1087 6086 69.3 69.3 75.4 65.4 69.6
1989 8615.970 1087 8072 92.2 92.2 79.8 90.5 75.1
1990 7578.080 1087 7284 83.2 83.2 80.5 79.6 76.1
1991 7718.470 1087 7420 84.7 84.7 81.2 81.1 76.9
1992 9247.730 1087 8651 98.5 98.5 83.8 96.8 79.9
1993 7796.190 1087 7324 83.6 83.6 83.8 81.9 80.1
1994 7896.100 1087 7439 84.9 85.0 83.9 82.9 80.4
1995 8820.980 1087 8430 96.2 96.3 85.2 92.6 81.7
1996 7932.910 1087 7459 84.9 85.0 85.2 83.1 81.8
1997 8883.550 1087 8441 96.4 96.4 86.1 93.3 82.8
1998 8158.970 1087 7624 87.0 87.1 86.2 85.7 83.0
1999 8443.690 1087 7902 90.2 90.2 86.5 88.7 83.4
2000 9188.540 1087 8512 96.9 96.9 87.2 96.2 84.3
2001 8658.370 1087 8051 91.9 91.9 87.5 90.9 84.7
2002 9286.060 1087 8663 98.9 98.9 88.2 97.5 85.5
2003 7725.230 1087 7225 82.5 82.5 87.8 81.1 85.2
2004 8017.930 1087 7535 85.8 85.8 87.7 84.0 85.2
2005 9441.730 1087 8760 100.0 100.0 88.4 99.1 85.9
2006 8529.600 1087 7734 88.3 88.3 88.4 89.6 86.0
2007 9720.140 1118 8760 100.0 100.0 88.9 99.2 86.7
2008 7263.100 1118 6578 74.9 74.9 88.3 74.0 86.1
2009 7998.160 1118 7565 86.4 86.4 88.2 81.7 85.9
2010 9752.480 1118 8760 100.0 100.0 88.7 99.6 86.5
2011 8751.610 1118 7789 88.9 88.9 88.7 89.4 86.6
2012 9474.760 1118 8609 98.0 98.0 89.0 96.5 87.0
2013 8428.270 1118 7499 85.6 85.6 88.9 86.0 86.9
2014 8499.410 1118 7742 88.4 88.4 88.9 86.8 86.9
2015 9749.160 1118 8757 100.0 100.0 89.3 99.6 87.4
2016 8966.240 1118 8001 91.1 91.1 89.3 91.3 87.5
2017 9765.300 1118 8760 100.0 100.0 89.7 99.7 87.9
2018 8560.440 1118 7765 88.6 89.3 89.7 87.4 87.9
2019 7350.120 1118 6664 76.1 76.1 89.3 75.0 87.5
2020 7348.120 1118 6613 75.3 75.3 88.8 74.8 87.1
2021 6411.510 1118 6160 70.3 70.3 88.3 65.5 86.5
2022 8743.280 1118 7803 89.1 89.1 88.3 89.3 86.6
2023 9554.550 1118 8736 99.7 98.7 88.6 97.6 86.9
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-12-04

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