Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
BWR-3 (Mark 1)
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
677 MWe
655 MWe
711 MWe
2028 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
26 Aug, 1968
16 Jun, 1972
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
19 Jul, 1972
01 Dec, 1972
Permanent Shutdown Date
31 May, 2019

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
193.55 TW.h
74.8 %
75.8 %
25.2 %
70.6 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2019

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1972 889.200 687 1875 68.7 100.0 100.0 59.6 59.6
1973 4074.200 655 7574 86.5 88.1 89.1 71.0 70.1
1974 1973.100 670 3435 39.2 39.2 64.9 33.6 52.4
1975 2587.300 668 6239 71.2 44.1 58.2 44.2 49.8
1976 2415.500 665 5330 60.7 41.1 54.0 41.4 47.7
1977 2652.200 670 5379 61.4 45.2 52.2 45.2 47.2
1978 4376.700 669 7276 83.1 74.8 56.0 74.7 51.7
1979 4844.600 670 7828 89.4 82.5 59.7 82.5 56.1
1980 3044.100 670 4952 56.4 56.5 59.3 51.7 55.6
1981 3444.100 670 5767 65.8 66.0 60.0 58.7 55.9
1982 3287.100 670 5597 63.9 64.1 60.4 56.0 55.9
1983 4711.900 670 7640 87.2 87.3 62.9 80.3 58.1
1984 3.520 663 34 0.4 1.4 57.8 0.1 53.3
1985 4950.970 670 8013 91.5 91.5 60.3 84.6 55.7
1986 1027.530 670 1646 18.8 18.8 57.4 17.5 53.0
1987 0.000 670 0 0.0 0.0 53.6 0.0 49.4
1988 0.000 670 0 0.0 0.0 50.2 0.0 46.4
1989 1707.760 670 4919 56.2 56.3 50.6 29.1 45.4
1990 4243.220 670 6784 77.4 77.5 52.1 72.3 46.8
1991 3424.540 670 5572 63.6 63.7 52.7 58.4 47.4
1992 4741.970 670 7400 84.2 84.3 54.3 80.6 49.1
1993 4340.780 670 6880 78.5 78.6 55.4 74.0 50.3
1994 3824.080 670 6069 69.3 69.4 56.0 65.2 51.0
1995 4485.850 670 6962 79.5 79.5 57.1 76.4 52.1
1996 5324.340 670 8345 95.0 95.0 58.6 90.5 53.7
1997 4310.430 670 6840 78.1 78.1 59.4 73.4 54.4
1998 5698.410 670 8760 100.0 100.0 61.0 97.1 56.1
1999 4473.330 670 7141 81.5 81.6 61.7 76.2 56.8
2000 5512.250 670 8454 96.2 96.3 63.0 93.7 58.1
2001 5144.040 653 7884 90.0 90.0 63.9 89.0 59.2
2002 5769.070 653 8760 100.0 100.0 65.1 100.8 60.5
2003 4977.180 684 7548 86.2 85.8 65.7 84.6 61.3
2004 5939.280 684 8721 99.3 99.3 66.8 98.8 62.5
2005 5474.030 685 8166 93.2 93.2 67.6 91.2 63.4
2006 5829.210 685 8684 99.1 99.1 68.6 97.1 64.4
2007 5119.790 685 7774 88.7 88.8 69.2 85.3 65.0
2008 5868.960 685 8656 98.5 98.6 70.0 97.5 66.0
2009 5396.020 684 8012 91.5 91.5 70.6 90.1 66.6
2010 5917.810 685 8760 100.0 100.0 71.4 98.6 67.5
2011 5085.180 685 7710 88.0 88.0 71.8 84.7 67.9
2012 5876.650 677 8714 99.2 99.2 72.5 98.8 68.7
2013 4326.480 677 6796 77.6 81.2 72.7 72.9 68.8
2014 5769.150 677 8640 98.6 98.6 73.3 97.3 69.5
2015 4993.300 677 7507 85.7 85.7 73.6 84.2 69.8
2016 5412.830 677 8222 93.6 93.6 74.1 91.0 70.3
2017 5046.840 677 7658 87.4 85.6 74.3 85.1 70.6
2018 4440.990 677 7265 82.9 84.4 74.6 74.9 70.7
2019 1398.010 677 2159 59.6 100.0 74.8 57.0 70.6
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-02-15

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