Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
167 MWe
175 MWe
180 MWe
600 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Nov, 1957
19 Aug, 1960
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
10 Nov, 1960
01 Jul, 1961
Permanent Shutdown Date
01 Oct, 1991

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
33.94 TW.h
79.5 %
77.4 %
20.5 %
71.7 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 1991

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1960 Data from a trial operation not provided
1961 Data Not Provided
1962 "
1963 "
1964 "
1965 "
1966 "
1967 "
1968 "
1969 "
1970 1281.000 185 7213 82.3 100.0 NC 79.0 NC
1971 1519.900 185 8522 97.3 100.0 NC 93.8 NC
1972 690.200 185 4712 53.6 100.0 NC 42.5 NC
1973 1046.100 175 6244 71.3 71.3 NC 68.2 NC
1974 911.500 175 6099 69.6 69.7 NC 59.5 NC
1975 1193.400 175 7218 82.4 77.9 NC 77.8 NC
1976 1252.100 175 7886 89.8 81.5 NC 81.4 NC
1977 1025.100 175 6472 73.9 66.9 NC 66.9 NC
1978 1193.500 175 7093 81.0 77.9 83.1 77.8 71.9
1979 1232.200 175 7147 81.6 80.4 82.8 80.4 72.7
1980 291.800 175 1933 22.0 22.1 77.4 19.0 67.9
1981 885.100 175 6516 74.4 74.6 77.2 57.7 67.1
1982 882.200 175 6427 73.4 73.5 76.9 57.6 66.3
1983 1343.100 174 8000 91.3 91.5 77.9 88.1 67.9
1984 1026.160 167 6269 71.4 71.4 77.5 69.9 68.0
1985 1181.670 167 7473 85.3 85.3 78.0 80.8 68.8
1986 1392.720 167 8320 95.0 95.0 78.9 95.2 70.2
1987 1135.610 167 7099 81.0 81.1 79.0 77.6 70.6
1988 1116.890 167 7424 84.5 84.5 79.3 76.1 70.9
1989 1307.100 167 7978 91.1 91.1 79.9 89.4 71.8
1990 826.400 167 5272 60.2 60.2 79.0 56.5 71.1
1991 992.070 167 6288 95.6 95.6 79.5 90.4 71.7
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.
NC – cumulative values not calculated when more than 50% of required data is missing in PRIS

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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