
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
BWR-4 (Mark 1)
EXELON Corp. (50%) PSEG Power (50%)
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1300 MWe
1065 MWe
1412 MWe
3951 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
31 Jan, 1968
16 Sep, 1973
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
18 Feb, 1974
05 Jul, 1974

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
384.36 TW.h
81.2 %
81.5 %
18.8 %
79.3 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1974 4982.700 1050 6162 90.6 90.6 90.6 78.9 78.9
1975 5082.500 1051 6638 75.8 55.3 67.1 55.2 63.2
1976 5580.400 1051 5998 68.3 60.5 64.4 60.4 62.1
1977 4051.600 1051 4836 55.2 44.0 58.6 44.0 56.9
1978 6793.600 1051 7299 83.3 73.8 62.0 73.8 60.7
1979 8574.400 1051 8295 94.7 92.9 67.6 93.1 66.6
1980 4372.600 1051 4529 51.6 50.0 64.9 47.4 63.6
1981 6635.300 1051 6938 79.2 78.5 66.7 72.1 64.7
1982 4816.800 1051 5089 58.1 56.5 65.5 52.3 63.3
1983 4481.100 1051 4461 50.9 49.0 63.8 48.7 61.7
1984 2465.820 1051 2544 29.0 28.8 60.4 26.7 58.4
1985 2378.200 1051 2570 29.3 28.7 57.7 25.8 55.6
1986 6896.570 1051 7010 80.0 79.8 59.4 74.9 57.1
1987 1599.910 1051 1724 19.7 16.5 56.3 17.4 54.2
1988 0.000 1051 0 0.0 0.0 52.4 0.0 50.4
1989 3880.860 1051 4735 54.0 52.3 52.4 42.2 49.9
1990 6699.800 1055 6977 79.6 78.9 54.0 72.5 51.3
1991 5120.970 1055 5277 60.2 58.8 54.3 55.4 51.5
1992 5677.940 1055 5811 66.2 64.9 54.8 61.3 52.0
1993 7704.080 1055 7571 86.4 85.9 56.4 83.5 53.6
1994 7450.650 1093 7783 88.8 88.8 58.0 80.6 55.0
1995 9363.440 1093 8598 98.2 98.2 60.0 97.8 57.0
1996 7660.560 1093 8176 93.1 93.1 61.5 79.8 58.1
1997 9570.350 1093 8663 98.9 98.9 63.1 100.0 59.9
1998 7658.770 1093 7923 90.4 90.4 64.3 80.0 60.8
1999 9462.310 1093 8635 98.6 98.6 65.7 98.8 62.3
2000 8523.010 1093 8169 93.0 93.0 66.7 88.8 63.3
2001 9369.240 1093 8563 97.8 97.8 67.9 97.8 64.6
2002 8838.930 1093 8149 93.0 93.0 68.8 92.3 65.6
2003 9265.770 1112 8430 96.2 96.3 69.8 94.9 66.7
2004 8886.060 1112 8066 91.8 91.8 70.5 91.0 67.5
2005 9615.140 1112 8569 97.8 97.8 71.4 98.7 68.5
2006 9088.330 1112 8172 93.3 93.3 72.1 93.3 69.3
2007 9867.900 1112 8737 100.0 100.0 73.0 101.6 70.3
2008 8750.030 1112 7914 90.1 90.1 73.5 89.6 70.9
2009 9941.740 1112 8760 100.0 100.0 74.3 102.1 71.8
2010 9000.110 1122 8139 92.9 93.0 74.8 91.6 72.4
2011 9978.330 1122 8760 100.0 100.0 75.5 101.5 73.2
2012 8671.080 1125 7832 89.2 89.2 75.9 87.9 73.6
2013 10103.520 1125 8760 100.0 100.0 76.5 102.5 74.3
2014 8641.880 1125 7685 87.7 87.7 76.8 87.7 74.7
2015 10762.560 1308 8692 99.2 99.3 77.4 99.7 75.4
2016 10476.690 1308 8322 94.7 94.7 77.9 91.2 75.8
2017 11313.070 1308 8760 100.0 100.0 78.5 98.7 76.4
2018 10784.580 1308 8395 95.8 96.1 79.0 94.1 76.9
2019 11534.210 1300 8760 100.0 100.0 79.5 101.3 77.6
2020 10211.820 1300 8111 92.3 92.3 79.9 89.4 77.8
2021 11337.910 1300 8724 99.6 99.6 80.3 99.6 78.4
2022 10652.640 1300 8362 95.5 95.5 80.7 93.5 78.8
2023 11469.210 1300 8760 100.0 99.6 81.2 100.7 79.3
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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