
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Duke Energy Corp.
Duke Energy Corp.
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
847 MWe
887 MWe
891 MWe
2568 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
06 Nov, 1967
19 Apr, 1973
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
06 May, 1973
15 Jul, 1973

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
306.11 TW.h
83.5 %
83.2 %
16.5 %
81.5 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1973 2200.000 659 4226 75.9 70.5 70.5 67.3 67.3
1974 4230.300 920 5141 58.7 100.0 92.2 52.5 56.4
1975 5299.300 871 6672 76.2 69.5 82.9 69.4 61.8
1976 4003.500 871 5029 57.2 52.4 74.0 52.3 59.0
1977 3949.000 860 5455 62.3 52.5 69.2 52.4 57.6
1978 5054.400 860 6299 71.9 67.1 68.8 67.1 59.3
1979 5003.100 860 6220 71.0 66.4 68.4 66.4 60.4
1980 5118.300 860 6634 75.5 76.2 69.5 67.8 61.4
1981 3023.200 860 3657 41.8 42.9 66.4 40.1 58.9
1982 5152.800 860 6335 72.3 73.5 67.1 68.4 59.9
1983 5672.000 860 6804 77.7 78.4 68.2 75.3 61.3
1984 6173.710 860 7312 83.2 83.6 69.5 81.7 63.1
1985 7065.960 860 8424 96.2 96.2 71.7 93.8 65.6
1986 4793.940 860 5870 67.0 70.2 71.6 63.6 65.4
1987 5031.130 860 6693 76.4 76.8 71.9 66.8 65.5
1988 7192.190 846 8742 99.5 99.5 73.7 96.8 67.5
1989 5943.130 846 7264 82.9 83.0 74.2 80.2 68.3
1990 6454.830 846 7751 88.5 88.5 75.0 87.1 69.3
1991 6022.450 846 7245 82.7 82.7 75.4 81.3 70.0
1992 6277.690 846 7494 85.3 85.3 76.0 84.5 70.7
1993 6525.050 846 7833 89.4 89.4 76.6 88.0 71.6
1994 6088.710 846 7302 83.4 83.4 76.9 82.2 72.0
1995 6360.470 846 7537 86.0 86.1 77.3 85.8 72.6
1996 5566.970 846 6606 75.2 75.2 77.2 74.9 72.7
1997 3194.220 846 4482 51.2 51.3 76.2 43.1 71.5
1998 5996.400 846 7255 82.8 82.8 76.4 80.9 71.9
1999 6212.590 846 7383 84.3 85.1 76.8 83.8 72.4
2000 6312.680 846 7445 84.8 84.8 77.0 85.0 72.8
2001 6962.620 846 8210 93.7 94.0 77.6 94.0 73.5
2002 6607.460 846 7788 88.9 88.9 78.0 89.2 74.1
2003 5258.630 846 6288 71.8 71.8 77.8 71.0 74.0
2004 7260.230 846 8549 97.3 97.3 78.4 97.7 74.7
2005 6728.570 846 7879 89.9 90.0 78.8 90.8 75.2
2006 5819.360 846 6884 78.6 78.6 78.8 78.5 75.3
2007 7335.720 846 8562 97.7 97.7 79.3 99.0 76.0
2008 6222.800 846 7564 86.1 86.1 79.5 83.7 76.2
2009 6316.650 846 7393 84.4 84.4 79.6 85.2 76.4
2010 7433.770 846 8695 99.3 99.3 80.2 100.3 77.1
2011 5876.330 846 6917 79.0 79.0 80.1 79.3 77.1
2012 6701.970 846 7902 90.0 90.0 80.4 90.2 77.5
2013 7075.280 846 8260 94.3 94.3 80.7 95.5 77.9
2014 6718.010 846 7880 90.0 90.0 81.0 90.6 78.2
2015 7436.930 846 8760 100.0 100.0 81.4 100.4 78.7
2016 6472.060 846 7669 87.3 87.3 81.5 87.1 78.9
2017 7356.780 847 8583 98.0 98.0 81.9 99.2 79.4
2018 6745.640 847 7918 90.4 90.4 82.1 90.9 79.6
2019 7498.640 847 8760 100.0 100.0 82.5 101.1 80.1
2020 6859.970 847 8011 91.2 91.2 82.6 92.2 80.3
2021 7558.020 847 8760 100.0 100.0 83.0 101.9 80.8
2022 6988.170 847 8116 92.6 92.7 83.2 94.2 81.0
2023 7589.740 847 8760 100.0 99.8 83.5 102.3 81.5
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-02-15

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