
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
BWR-3 (Mark 1)
Xcel Energy
Northern States Power Co. (subsidiary of Xcel Energy)
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
628 MWe
545 MWe
691 MWe
2004 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
19 Jun, 1967
10 Dec, 1970
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
05 Mar, 1971
30 Jun, 1971

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
215.77 TW.h
86.4 %
85.3 %
13.6 %
82.6 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1971 1465.900 568 3357 59.1 100.0 100.0 50.2 50.2
1972 3717.900 580 6975 79.4 100.0 100.0 73.0 65.5
1973 3271.600 580 6242 71.3 100.0 100.0 64.4 65.0
1974 2925.200 538 6567 75.0 75.0 93.2 62.1 64.2
1975 2881.400 538 6322 72.2 61.0 86.4 61.1 63.6
1976 3986.200 537 8033 91.4 84.3 86.0 84.5 67.3
1977 3570.700 536 7001 79.9 76.0 84.5 76.0 68.6
1978 3856.200 536 7638 87.2 81.7 84.1 82.1 70.3
1979 4399.700 536 8549 97.6 93.4 85.2 93.7 73.0
1980 3455.500 536 6876 78.3 78.2 84.5 73.4 73.0
1981 3262.300 536 6362 72.6 72.3 83.4 69.5 72.7
1982 2425.100 525 5543 63.3 62.2 81.6 52.7 71.0
1983 4147.700 525 8438 96.3 96.3 82.7 90.2 72.5
1984 279.130 525 808 9.2 9.2 77.4 6.0 67.7
1985 4286.990 536 8028 91.6 91.6 78.4 91.3 69.4
1986 3379.910 536 6926 79.1 78.8 78.4 72.0 69.5
1987 3535.620 536 7051 80.5 80.2 78.5 75.3 69.9
1988 4573.580 536 8759 99.7 99.7 79.7 97.1 71.4
1989 2650.400 536 6578 75.1 74.7 79.5 56.4 70.6
1990 4505.930 536 8414 96.0 96.0 80.3 96.0 71.9
1991 3596.530 536 6996 79.9 79.6 80.3 76.6 72.1
1992 4453.670 536 8527 97.1 97.0 81.0 94.6 73.2
1993 3864.380 536 7322 83.6 83.4 81.2 82.3 73.6
1994 3956.180 536 7508 85.7 85.6 81.3 84.3 74.0
1995 4756.260 536 8760 100.0 100.0 82.1 101.3 75.1
1996 3872.940 544 7443 84.7 84.8 82.2 81.4 75.4
1997 3661.600 544 6609 75.4 75.2 81.9 76.8 75.4
1998 4118.930 578 7659 87.4 87.7 82.2 84.9 75.8
1999 4649.340 578 8092 92.4 92.4 82.5 91.8 76.4
2000 4251.420 578 7332 83.5 83.5 82.6 83.7 76.6
2001 3880.580 578 6774 77.3 76.9 82.4 76.6 76.6
2002 5015.560 578 8620 98.4 98.4 82.9 99.1 77.4
2003 4592.460 578 7969 91.0 90.7 83.2 90.7 77.8
2004 5034.880 578 8689 98.9 98.9 83.7 99.2 78.5
2005 4474.920 569 7826 89.3 89.4 83.8 89.8 78.8
2006 5072.590 572 8760 100.0 100.0 84.3 101.2 79.5
2007 4192.270 572 7327 83.6 83.7 84.3 83.7 79.6
2008 4878.020 572 8398 95.6 95.6 84.6 97.1 80.1
2009 4144.690 572 7421 84.7 84.7 84.6 82.7 80.2
2010 4695.110 572 8504 97.1 97.1 84.9 93.7 80.5
2011 3358.490 572 6045 69.0 69.0 84.5 67.0 80.2
2012 4890.370 578 8552 97.4 97.4 84.8 96.3 80.6
2013 2998.280 578 5419 61.8 61.9 84.3 59.2 80.1
2014 4323.970 647 8304 94.8 94.8 84.6 76.3 80.0
2015 4663.530 647 7407 84.6 84.6 84.6 82.3 80.0
2016 5597.760 647 8784 100.0 100.0 85.0 98.5 80.5
2017 5159.590 647 8051 91.9 91.9 85.1 91.0 80.8
2018 5618.020 628 8691 99.2 99.2 85.5 102.1 81.3
2019 4964.570 628 8023 91.6 91.6 85.6 90.2 81.5
2020 5593.310 628 8783 100.0 100.0 85.9 101.4 81.9
2021 5011.010 628 7962 90.9 90.9 86.0 91.1 82.1
2022 5545.270 628 8683 99.1 99.1 86.3 100.8 82.5
2023 4793.500 628 7662 87.5 89.8 86.4 87.1 82.6
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-02-15

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