
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
BWR-4 (Mark 1)
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee Valley Authority
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1200 MWe
1065 MWe
1256 MWe
3458 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 May, 1967
17 Aug, 1973
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date Suspended Operation Date End of Suspended Operation Date
15 Oct, 1973
20 Dec, 1974
19 Mar, 1985
02 Jun, 2007

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
205.60 TW.h
79.3 %
80.9 %
20.7 %
78.3 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1973 317.600 798 1226
1974 5168.700 1065 6523
1975 1378.500 1065 1535 17.5 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8
1976 1301.100 1065 2174 24.8 13.9 14.4 13.9 14.3
1977 5043.100 1065 5817 66.4 54.1 27.6 54.1 27.6
1978 5817.800 1065 7042 80.4 62.4 36.3 62.4 36.3
1979 7495.700 1065 7918 90.4 80.4 45.1 80.3 45.1
1980 6061.300 1065 6376 72.6 73.3 49.8 64.8 48.4
1981 4405.300 1065 4435 50.6 51.0 50.0 47.2 48.2
1982 7880.900 1065 7967 91.0 91.2 55.1 84.5 52.7
1983 2175.500 1065 2316 26.4 26.5 52.0 23.3 49.5
1984 7848.490 1065 7930 90.3 90.3 55.8 83.9 52.9
1985 1603.030 1065 1626 75.3 74.9 56.2 69.7 53.3
1986 Data Not Available - Suspended Operation
1987 "
1988 "
1989 "
1990 "
1991 "
1992 "
1993 "
1994 "
1995 "
1996 "
1997 "
1998 "
1999 "
2000 "
2001 "
2002 "
2003 "
2004 "
2005 "
2006 "
2007 4535.280 1065 4452 86.7 85.4 57.8 82.9 54.9
2008 8193.050 1065 7693 87.6 87.6 60.4 87.6 57.7
2009 8758.700 1065 8147 93.0 93.0 62.9 93.9 60.5
2010 8072.300 1093 8007 91.4 91.4 65.0 86.2 62.4
2011 8757.410 1101 8048 91.9 92.0 66.8 90.8 64.3
2012 8505.980 1101 7691 87.6 87.6 68.2 88.0 65.9
2013 9485.990 1101 8516 97.2 97.2 70.0 98.3 67.9
2014 8691.410 1101 8021 91.6 91.6 71.2 90.1 69.1
2015 9455.320 1101 8575 97.9 97.9 72.6 98.0 70.7
2016 8382.890 1101 7799 88.8 88.8 73.5 86.7 71.5
2017 9801.350 1101 8760 100.0 100.0 74.8 101.6 73.0
2018 8114.120 1101 7702 87.9 87.9 75.4 84.1 73.5
2019 10857.300 1200 8760 100.0 100.0 76.6 103.3 75.0
2020 9174.120 1200 7718 87.9 87.9 77.1 87.0 75.5
2021 10902.220 1200 8760 100.0 100.0 78.1 103.7 76.8
2022 9396.070 1200 7886 90.0 90.0 78.6 89.4 77.3
2023 10750.380 1200 8627 98.5 96.0 79.3 102.3 78.3
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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