Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
805 MWe
805 MWe
850 MWe
2565 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
12 Mar, 1967
22 May, 1971
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
29 Dec, 1971
Permanent Shutdown Date
20 May, 2022

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
232.35 TW.h
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2022

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1971 Data from a trial operation not provided
1972 1899.100 400 4990 56.8 100.0 100.0 54.0 54.0
1973 2411.300 700 3829 43.7 100.0 100.0 39.3 44.7
1974 93.300 722 317 3.6 100.0 100.0 1.5 27.6
1975 2427.800 684 5649 64.5 40.5 83.8 40.5 31.1
1976 2846.900 684 4847 55.2 47.4 76.0 47.4 34.6
1977 5084.600 635 8004 91.4 90.2 78.3 91.4 44.0
1978 2624.200 635 4346 49.6 46.0 73.7 47.2 44.5
1979 3433.400 635 5241 59.8 58.7 71.9 61.7 46.6
1980 2379.100 635 3764 42.8 39.7 68.3 42.6 46.2
1981 3462.700 635 5009 57.2 55.8 67.0 62.2 47.8
1982 3345.000 635 4788 54.7 49.3 65.4 60.1 48.9
1983 3770.000 635 5282 60.3 60.1 65.0 67.8 50.5
1984 811.550 635 1334 15.2 10.0 60.8 14.6 47.7
1985 5301.800 730 7342 83.8 82.0 62.3 91.8 51.0
1986 841.240 730 1323 15.1 14.9 58.7 13.2 48.1
1987 2634.430 730 3980 45.4 45.2 57.8 41.2 47.6
1988 3435.220 730 4853 55.2 53.7 57.5 53.6 48.0
1989 3637.780 730 6019 68.7 67.4 58.1 56.9 48.6
1990 3008.090 730 5073 57.9 56.1 58.0 47.0 48.5
1991 4873.840 730 6693 76.4 75.4 59.0 76.2 50.0
1992 4865.070 730 6293 71.6 70.5 59.6 75.9 51.3
1993 3545.650 730 4595 52.4 50.4 59.1 55.4 51.5
1994 4513.830 730 5860 66.9 65.5 59.4 70.6 52.4
1995 4663.520 730 6491 74.1 73.0 60.0 72.9 53.4
1996 5314.340 730 7068 80.5 79.7 60.9 82.9 54.6
1997 5803.460 730 7714 88.1 87.6 62.0 90.8 56.1
1998 5390.580 730 7142 81.5 81.1 62.7 84.3 57.2
1999 5128.360 730 6910 78.9 78.4 63.3 80.2 58.1
2000 5748.020 730 7672 87.3 86.8 64.2 89.6 59.3
2001 2355.630 730 3118 35.6 35.2 63.2 36.8 58.5
2002 6369.370 730 8187 93.5 93.2 64.2 99.6 59.9
2003 6158.150 730 7914 90.3 90.0 65.0 96.3 61.1
2004 5346.140 730 7164 81.6 81.1 65.6 83.4 61.8
2005 6645.840 767 8443 96.4 96.4 66.6 98.9 63.0
2006 5917.110 778 7498 85.6 85.6 67.2 86.8 63.8
2007 5826.020 778 7427 84.8 84.8 67.7 85.5 64.4
2008 6837.230 778 8599 97.9 97.9 68.6 100.0 65.5
2009 6118.710 778 7695 87.8 87.9 69.2 89.8 66.2
2010 6240.660 778 7915 90.4 90.4 69.8 91.6 66.9
2011 6641.010 793 8407 96.0 96.1 70.5 95.6 67.7
2012 5178.210 793 6702 76.3 76.4 70.7 74.3 67.9
2013 6041.700 793 7567 86.4 86.4 71.1 87.0 68.4
2014 5830.360 793 7286 83.2 83.2 71.4 83.9 68.8
2015 6318.520 805 7948 90.7 90.9 71.9 89.6 69.4
2016 7041.290 805 8784 100.0 100.0 72.6 99.6 70.1
2017 6097.500 805 7969 91.0 91.0 73.0 86.5 70.5
2018 5455.940 805 6863 78.3 79.1 73.2 77.4 70.7
2019 6864.360 805 8585 98.0 98.0 73.8 97.3 71.3
2020 5995.120 805 7540 85.8 85.8 74.0 84.8 71.6
2021 6993.510 805 8760 100.0 100.0 74.6 99.2 72.2
2022 2730.230 805 3351
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.
NC – cumulative values not calculated when more than 50% of required data is missing in PRIS

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-02-15

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