GINNA (R. E. Ginna)


Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Exelon Corporation
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
560 MWe
470 MWe
608 MWe
1775 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
25 Apr, 1966
08 Nov, 1969
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
02 Dec, 1969
01 Jul, 1970

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
204.41 TW.h
87.8 %
86.8 %
12.2 %
86.0 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1969 Data from a trial operation not provided
1970 2313.000 448 6079 87.6 100.0 100.0 80.7 80.7
1971 2871.800 493 6592 75.2 100.0 100.0 66.5 71.0
1972 2572.100 504 6029 68.6 100.0 100.0 58.1 65.6
1973 3398.800 490 8325 95.0 95.0 98.6 79.2 69.5
1974 2097.200 490 5465 62.4 48.9 87.5 48.9 64.9
1975 3041.100 470 6709 76.6 73.4 85.0 73.9 66.5
1976 2060.800 470 5113 58.2 49.7 79.8 49.9 64.0
1977 3028.500 470 7489 85.5 73.6 79.0 73.6 65.2
1978 3218.700 470 7058 80.6 77.5 78.8 78.2 66.7
1979 2960.500 470 6375 72.8 71.3 78.0 71.9 67.3
1980 3093.500 470 6673 76.0 76.0 77.8 74.9 68.0
1981 3322.500 470 7194 82.1 82.2 78.2 80.7 69.1
1982 2408.000 470 5150 58.8 58.9 76.7 58.5 68.2
1983 3040.100 470 6529 74.5 74.9 76.5 73.8 68.6
1984 3156.780 470 6779 77.2 77.2 76.6 76.5 69.2
1985 3620.300 470 7700 87.9 87.9 77.3 87.9 70.4
1986 3610.270 470 7659 87.4 87.4 77.9 87.7 71.4
1987 3797.700 470 7994 91.3 91.3 78.7 92.2 72.6
1988 3533.170 470 7592 86.4 86.4 79.1 85.6 73.3
1989 3073.450 470 6569 75.0 75.0 78.9 74.6 73.4
1990 3451.380 470 7325 83.6 83.6 79.1 83.8 73.9
1991 3483.250 470 7536 86.0 86.0 79.4 84.6 74.4
1992 3483.380 470 7536 85.8 85.8 79.7 84.4 74.8
1993 3499.440 470 7509 85.7 85.7 80.0 85.0 75.2
1994 3373.710 470 7219 82.4 82.4 80.1 81.9 75.5
1995 3638.580 470 7776 88.8 88.8 80.4 88.4 76.0
1996 2898.050 470 6175 70.3 70.4 80.0 70.2 75.8
1997 3894.650 480 8011 91.4 91.6 80.5 92.6 76.4
1998 4308.560 480 8760 100.0 100.0 81.2 102.5 77.3
1999 3534.050 480 7444 85.0 85.3 81.3 84.0 77.6
2000 3814.150 480 8001 91.1 91.0 81.6 90.5 78.0
2001 4286.280 480 8760 100.0 100.0 82.2 101.9 78.8
2002 3843.350 480 7951 90.8 90.4 82.5 91.4 79.2
2003 3868.590 480 7925 90.5 90.1 82.7 92.0 79.5
2004 4308.490 480 8733 99.4 99.4 83.2 102.2 80.2
2005 3996.680 498 8166 93.2 93.3 83.5 91.6 80.5
2006 4119.170 560 8157 93.1 92.2 83.7 95.3 81.0
2007 4930.530 560 8675 99.0 99.2 84.2 100.5 81.6
2008 4744.000 560 8280 94.3 94.9 84.5 96.4 82.0
2009 4630.900 580 8235 94.0 94.9 84.8 91.2 82.3
2010 4948.360 580 8654 98.8 98.8 85.3 97.4 82.7
2011 4311.210 580 7539 86.1 86.1 85.3 84.8 82.8
2012 4601.720 580 8055 91.7 91.7 85.5 90.3 83.0
2013 4993.290 581 8668 98.9 99.0 85.8 98.1 83.4
2014 4662.500 580 8142 93.0 92.9 86.0 91.8 83.6
2015 4769.420 580 8313 94.9 94.9 86.2 93.9 83.9
2016 5042.060 580 8784 100.0 100.0 86.6 99.0 84.3
2017 4697.680 580 8261 94.3 94.3 86.8 92.5 84.5
2018 4698.440 560 8283 94.6 94.6 87.0 95.8 84.8
2019 4993.690 560 8713 99.5 99.5 87.2 101.8 85.1
2020 4353.100 560 7618 86.7 86.7 87.2 88.5 85.2
2021 4715.120 560 8274 94.4 94.5 87.4 96.1 85.4
2022 5038.600 560 8760 100.0 100.0 87.6 102.7 85.8
2023 4644.950 560 8154 93.1 92.6 87.8 94.7 86.0
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-02-15

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