
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
VVER V-320
State Enterprise “National Nuclear Energy Generating Company ‘Energoatom”
State Enterprise “National Nuclear Energy Generating Company ‘Energoatom”
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
950 MWe
950 MWe
1000 MWe
3000 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Nov, 1981
10 Dec, 1987
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
31 Dec, 1987
13 Aug, 1988

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
193.36 TW.h
71.5 %
74.0 %
28.5 %
71.2 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2021

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1987 46.800 1000 0
1988 3578.190 950 5266 75.0 67.0 67.0 61.1 61.1
1989 5872.260 950 6295 71.9 70.6 69.6 70.6 67.8
1990 6498.570 950 6870 78.4 77.4 72.8 78.1 72.0
1991 5172.490 950 5551 63.4 61.2 69.4 62.2 69.2
1992 6075.130 950 6167 70.2 66.5 68.8 72.8 70.0
1993 5487.720 950 5782 66.0 65.2 68.1 65.9 69.2
1994 6303.410 950 6775 77.3 75.5 69.2 75.7 70.2
1995 5700.260 950 6014 68.6 68.0 69.1 68.5 70.0
1996 4497.910 950 4854 55.3 53.9 67.3 53.9 68.1
1997 6152.100 950 6415 73.2 72.6 67.8 73.9 68.7
1998 5499.200 950 5904 67.4 65.8 67.6 66.1 68.5
1999 5526.690 950 6506 74.3 66.4 67.5 66.4 68.3
2000 5899.610 950 6541 74.5 70.4 67.8 70.7 68.5
2001 6167.280 950 6781 77.2 73.6 68.2 73.9 68.9
2002 6730.450 950 7049 80.5 79.9 69.0 80.9 69.7
2003 7137.700 950 7512 85.8 84.9 70.0 85.8 70.8
2004 6325.090 950 6935 79.0 75.4 70.4 75.8 71.1
2005 6862.810 950 7433 84.8 84.8 71.2 82.5 71.7
2006 6684.910 950 7407 84.6 83.5 71.9 80.3 72.2
2007 6905.260 950 7297 83.3 83.0 72.4 83.0 72.7
2008 6547.170 950 7237 82.4 81.3 72.9 78.5 73.0
2009 6380.560 950 7031 80.3 77.8 73.1 76.7 73.2
2010 6587.150 950 6966 79.5 78.6 73.4 79.2 73.4
2011 6967.340 950 7253 82.8 82.6 73.7 83.7 73.9
2012 7087.230 950 7592 86.4 84.7 74.2 84.9 74.4
2013 6877.190 950 7681 87.7 87.4 74.7 82.6 74.7
2014 3551.740 950 5920 67.6 48.6 73.7 42.7 73.5
2015 6753.900 950 7307 83.4 81.0 74.0 81.2 73.7
2016 7276.340 950 7568 86.2 86.0 74.4 87.2 74.2
2017 5807.270 950 7443 85.0 71.6 74.3 69.8 74.1
2018 5501.150 950 5799 66.2 65.8 74.0 66.1 73.8
2019 0.000 950 0 0.0 0.0 71.7 0.0 71.5
2020 5624.090 950 6255 71.2 70.9 71.7 67.4 71.3
2021 5455.120 950 5992 68.4 65.2 71.5 65.6 71.2
2022 Data Not Provided
2023 "
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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