Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
WH 3LP (WE 312)
Taiwan Power Co.
Taiwan Power Co.
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
936 MWe
890 MWe
951 MWe
2822 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
21 Aug, 1978
30 Mar, 1984
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
09 May, 1984
27 Jul, 1984
Permanent Shutdown Date
28 Jul, 2024

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
262.21 TW.h
87.2 %
88.2 %
12.8 %
88.0 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1984 Data Not Provided
1985 "
1986 "
1987 "
1988 "
1989 5418.450 890 6305 72.0 66.0 NC 69.5 NC
1990 6098.900 894 7079 80.8 76.8 NC 77.9 NC
1991 6479.060 890 7368 84.1 82.7 NC 83.1 NC
1992 6038.780 890 6826 77.7 76.2 NC 77.2 NC
1993 6258.750 890 6930 79.1 78.5 76.0 80.3 77.6
1994 6322.620 890 7098 81.0 79.6 76.6 81.1 78.2
1995 6741.140 890 7495 85.6 84.4 77.7 86.5 79.4
1996 7537.000 890 8329 94.8 93.8 79.7 96.4 81.5
1997 5949.220 890 6752 77.1 74.4 79.1 76.3 80.9
1998 5514.470 890 6101 69.6 69.2 78.1 70.7 79.9
1999 7392.650 890 8328 95.1 92.6 79.5 94.8 81.3
2000 6729.030 890 7502 85.4 84.3 79.9 86.1 81.7
2001 5333.310 890 6046 69.0 67.6 78.9 68.4 80.6
2002 7800.800 890 8726 99.6 98.7 80.3 100.1 82.0
2003 6751.010 890 7579 86.5 86.2 80.7 86.6 82.3
2004 6793.740 890 7742 88.1 86.8 81.1 86.9 82.6
2005 7701.720 890 8693 99.2 98.0 82.1 98.8 83.6
2006 6763.250 890 7599 86.8 85.8 82.3 86.8 83.7
2007 7168.160 890 8001 91.3 90.8 82.8 91.9 84.2
2008 7904.880 900 8784 100.0 100.0 83.6 100.0 85.0
2009 7205.220 918 7959 90.9 90.3 83.9 90.3 85.2
2010 7272.450 919 8009 91.4 90.7 84.3 90.3 85.5
2011 8022.090 918 8760 100.0 99.9 85.0 99.8 86.1
2012 6994.760 928 7620 86.8 86.0 85.0 86.3 86.1
2013 7011.650 926 7615 86.9 86.1 85.0 86.4 86.1
2014 7913.590 926 8517 97.2 96.6 85.5 97.6 86.6
2015 7492.710 936 8035 91.7 91.3 85.7 91.4 86.8
2016 7228.080 936 7799 88.8 87.8 85.8 87.9 86.8
2017 8136.280 936 8682 99.1 98.8 86.3 99.2 87.3
2018 7201.980 936 7681 87.7 87.3 86.3 87.8 87.3
2019 7118.570 936 7652 87.4 86.5 86.3 86.8 87.3
2020 8222.120 936 8728 99.4 99.2 86.7 100.0 87.7
2021 7259.810 936 7716 88.1 87.8 86.8 88.5 87.7
2022 7197.970 936 7677 87.6 88.7 86.8 87.8 87.7
2023 8133.040 936 8704 99.4 98.4 87.2 99.2 88.0
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.
NC – cumulative values not calculated when more than 50% of required data is missing in PRIS

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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