
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
VVER V-213
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
466 MWe
466 MWe
500 MWe
1471 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Dec, 1976
02 Aug, 1985
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
09 Aug, 1985
18 Dec, 1985

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
119.27 TW.h
83.2 %
87.0 %
16.8 %
81.9 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1985 1083.500 408 3177
1986 2887.850 408 7294 83.3 81.0 81.0 80.8 80.8
1987 3084.680 408 7783 88.8 86.1 83.6 86.3 83.6
1988 2786.460 408 7248 82.5 77.8 81.6 77.8 81.6
1989 2827.660 408 7548 86.2 79.2 81.0 79.1 81.0
1990 2873.810 408 7427 84.8 80.7 81.0 80.4 80.9
1991 2850.520 408 7438 84.9 80.4 80.8 79.8 80.7
1992 2711.900 408 6714 76.4 70.4 79.4 75.7 80.0
1993 2847.620 408 7341 83.8 79.7 79.4 79.7 79.9
1994 2791.410 405 7389 84.4 78.7 79.3 78.7 79.8
1995 2823.670 408 7211 82.3 79.3 79.3 79.0 79.7
1996 2834.890 436 6953 79.2 76.1 79.0 74.0 79.2
1997 2953.490 440 7469 85.3 80.2 79.1 76.6 78.9
1998 2822.410 408 7525 85.9 82.4 79.4 79.0 78.9
1999 2656.540 408 7283 83.1 75.1 79.1 74.3 78.6
2000 2431.850 408 6791 77.3 68.9 78.4 67.9 77.9
2001 2793.270 408 7721 88.1 79.2 78.4 78.2 77.9
2002 2823.230 408 7742 88.4 85.0 78.8 79.0 78.0
2003 2814.890 408 7737 88.3 84.4 79.1 78.8 78.0
2004 2390.940 408 6786 77.2 74.4 78.9 66.7 77.4
2005 2840.980 408 7671 87.6 84.3 79.2 79.5 77.5
2006 2489.280 408 7035 80.3 77.0 79.1 69.6 77.2
2007 2648.450 408 7053 80.5 78.0 79.0 74.1 77.0
2008 2739.030 410 7254 82.6 78.8 79.0 76.3 77.0
2009 3239.570 448 8118 92.7 86.9 79.3 87.0 77.4
2010 3513.140 472 8214 93.8 87.7 79.7 87.6 77.9
2011 3732.880 472 8225 93.9 90.8 80.2 90.3 78.4
2012 3640.360 472 7952 90.5 87.9 80.5 87.8 78.8
2013 3788.680 471 8313 94.9 91.8 81.0 91.8 79.3
2014 3767.520 471 8314 94.9 91.4 81.4 91.3 79.8
2015 3697.160 471 8285 94.6 91.1 81.7 89.6 80.2
2016 3293.870 471 7371 83.9 80.2 81.7 79.6 80.1
2017 3648.540 471 8115 92.6 88.8 81.9 88.4 80.4
2018 3367.930 471 7553 86.2 82.1 81.9 81.6 80.5
2019 3711.180 471 8157 93.1 90.0 82.2 90.0 80.8
2020 3730.790 466 8163 92.9 90.2 82.4 90.3 81.1
2021 3760.120 466 8227 93.9 91.5 82.7 92.1 81.4
2022 3638.000 466 8061 92.0 88.8 82.9 89.1 81.6
2023 3761.340 466 8244 94.1 91.8 83.2 92.1 81.9
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-18

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