
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
VVER V-213
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
466 MWe
466 MWe
500 MWe
1471 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Dec, 1976
07 Aug, 1984
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
20 Aug, 1984
14 Feb, 1985

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
120.15 TW.h
82.2 %
86.2 %
17.8 %
80.8 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1984 685.610 408 2219
1985 2721.560 408 7057 78.9 76.8 76.8 74.4 74.4
1986 2674.140 408 7089 80.9 75.4 76.1 74.8 74.6
1987 1997.380 408 5181 59.1 53.7 68.4 55.9 68.2
1988 2866.880 408 7329 83.4 79.9 71.3 80.0 71.2
1989 2992.320 408 7633 87.1 84.1 73.9 83.7 73.8
1990 2829.100 408 7376 84.2 79.2 74.8 79.2 74.7
1991 2585.640 408 6717 76.7 72.0 74.4 72.3 74.3
1992 3140.690 408 7528 85.7 82.8 75.5 87.6 76.0
1993 2973.140 408 7721 88.1 83.2 76.3 83.2 76.8
1994 2806.830 405 7423 84.7 79.0 76.6 79.1 77.1
1995 2536.710 408 6440 73.5 70.1 76.0 71.0 76.5
1996 3045.910 436 7504 85.4 82.5 76.6 79.5 76.8
1997 3096.420 440 7711 88.0 84.0 77.2 80.3 77.1
1998 2804.630 408 7571 86.4 81.8 77.5 78.5 77.2
1999 2468.540 408 6620 75.6 69.6 77.0 69.1 76.6
2000 2806.720 408 7776 88.5 79.8 77.2 78.3 76.7
2001 2686.990 408 7680 87.7 76.5 77.2 75.2 76.6
2002 2690.740 408 7711 88.0 83.9 77.5 75.3 76.6
2003 2484.970 408 6908 78.9 75.5 77.4 69.5 76.2
2004 2564.550 408 7228 82.3 79.0 77.5 71.6 76.0
2005 2587.730 408 7034 80.3 76.7 77.5 72.4 75.8
2006 2582.580 408 7106 81.1 78.4 77.5 72.3 75.6
2007 2432.560 408 6687 76.3 71.6 77.2 68.1 75.3
2008 3038.400 429 7680 87.4 85.8 77.6 83.7 75.7
2009 3309.670 442 8176 93.3 87.2 78.0 87.4 76.2
2010 3385.920 472 8194 93.5 84.8 78.3 86.0 76.6
2011 3586.040 472 7890 90.1 87.2 78.7 86.7 77.0
2012 3761.710 472 8295 94.4 91.3 79.2 90.7 77.6
2013 3726.970 472 8245 94.1 90.7 79.6 90.1 78.0
2014 3730.200 471 8235 94.0 90.6 80.0 90.4 78.5
2015 3388.980 471 7635 87.2 83.6 80.2 82.1 78.6
2016 3425.510 471 7738 88.1 84.1 80.3 82.8 78.8
2017 3615.510 471 8231 94.0 89.6 80.6 87.6 79.1
2018 3610.000 471 8288 94.6 89.5 80.9 87.5 79.4
2019 3625.030 471 8135 92.9 88.7 81.2 87.9 79.6
2020 3683.590 466 8236 93.8 89.6 81.4 89.1 79.9
2021 3699.610 466 8307 94.8 90.9 81.7 90.6 80.2
2022 3637.810 466 8248 94.2 89.4 81.9 89.1 80.5
2023 3685.700 466 8197 93.6 90.6 82.2 90.3 80.8
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-18

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