
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Ontario Power Generation
Ontario Power Generation
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
515 MWe
508 MWe
542 MWe
1744 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Jun, 1966
25 Feb, 1971
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date Suspended Operation Date End of Suspended Operation Date
04 Apr, 1971
29 Jul, 1971
31 Dec, 1997
26 Sep, 2005

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
134.91 TW.h
68.5 %
70.0 %
31.5 %
66.6 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1971 2302.300 514 4829 78.2 100.0 100.0 80.4 80.4
1972 2207.900 514 4117 46.9 100.0 100.0 48.9 58.2
1973 4222.400 514 8523 95.7 94.0 97.5 92.3 72.4
1974 3232.000 514 6979 79.9 71.9 90.1 72.0 72.3
1975 3592.800 512 7234 82.8 80.2 87.8 80.3 74.1
1976 4169.700 514 8136 92.9 92.7 88.8 92.6 77.5
1977 3852.800 514 7545 86.4 85.8 88.3 85.8 78.8
1978 4273.700 515 8359 95.7 95.1 89.2 95.0 81.0
1979 3781.400 515 7554 85.3 85.3 88.7 82.9 81.2
1980 3356.900 515 6640 75.6 73.7 87.1 74.2 80.4
1981 3947.700 515 7795 89.0 88.0 87.2 87.5 81.1
1982 3499.300 515 6915 78.9 77.8 86.4 77.6 80.8
1983 3070.800 515 6101 69.6 68.1 84.9 68.1 79.8
1984 0.000 515 0 0.0 0.0 78.6 0.0 73.8
1985 0.000 515 0 0.0 0.0 73.1 0.0 68.7
1986 0.000 515 0 0.0 0.0 68.4 0.0 64.3
1987 832.790 515 1981 22.6 17.4 65.3 18.5 61.5
1988 3986.480 515 8224 93.6 89.1 66.7 88.1 63.0
1989 3222.130 515 6943 79.3 72.6 67.0 71.4 63.5
1990 3041.750 515 7435 84.9 70.6 67.2 67.4 63.7
1991 3051.080 515 6525 74.5 67.8 67.2 67.6 63.9
1992 2919.960 515 5798 66.0 65.4 67.1 64.6 63.9
1993 3451.160 515 6908 78.9 78.4 67.6 76.5 64.4
1994 897.640 515 1835 21.0 20.1 65.6 19.9 62.6
1995 2013.230 515 4234 48.3 44.8 64.7 44.6 61.8
1996 3011.760 515 6202 70.6 66.8 64.8 66.6 62.0
1997 3950.800 515 8205 94.7 89.7 65.8 88.5 63.0
1998 Data Not Available - Suspended Operation
1999 "
2000 "
2001 "
2002 "
2003 "
2004 "
2005 584.960 515 1230 55.7 95.9 66.0 51.4 62.9
2006 3470.490 515 7260 82.9 77.0 66.4 76.9 63.4
2007 1750.260 515 3447 39.4 38.9 65.5 38.8 62.5
2008 2792.100 515 6221 70.8 61.7 65.4 61.7 62.5
2009 4108.770 515 8436 96.3 91.2 66.2 91.1 63.4
2010 2376.130 515 4983 56.9 52.7 65.8 52.7 63.1
2011 3669.170 515 7382 84.3 81.5 66.2 81.3 63.7
2012 2912.370 515 5799 66.0 64.5 66.2 64.4 63.7
2013 2074.980 515 4344 49.6 46.0 65.6 46.0 63.2
2014 3871.290 515 7855 89.7 86.1 66.2 85.8 63.8
2015 2599.850 515 5263 60.1 57.8 66.0 57.6 63.6
2016 4212.670 515 8784 100.0 93.4 66.7 93.1 64.4
2017 2608.490 515 5323 60.8 57.9 66.5 57.8 64.2
2018 4206.180 515 8503 97.1 93.4 67.1 93.2 65.0
2019 4299.590 515 8583 98.0 95.5 67.8 95.3 65.7
2020 2244.060 515 4660 53.0 49.7 67.4 49.6 65.3
2021 4183.000 515 8407 96.0 92.8 68.0 92.7 66.0
2022 2986.960 515 6046 69.0 66.3 68.0 66.2 66.0
2023 4165.010 515 8338 95.2 92.3 68.5 92.3 66.6
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-18

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