
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
M (4-loop)
Kansai Electric Power Co.
Kansai Electric Power Co.
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1127 MWe
1127 MWe
1180 MWe
3423 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
13 Jun, 1988
28 May, 1992
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
19 Jun, 1992
02 Feb, 1993

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
216.89 TW.h
69.8 %
70.0 %
30.2 %
71.0 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1992 1999.300 1127 2742
1993 9923.460 1127 8760 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.5 100.5
1994 7851.520 1127 7063 80.6 79.7 89.4 79.5 89.6
1995 7495.110 1127 6695 76.4 75.6 84.7 75.9 84.9
1996 7051.090 1127 6221 70.8 70.8 81.1 71.2 81.4
1997 7660.200 1127 6756 77.1 77.1 80.3 77.6 80.6
1998 8839.420 1127 7835 89.4 89.0 81.8 89.5 82.1
1999 8903.440 1127 7872 89.9 89.5 82.9 90.2 83.3
2000 8649.770 1127 7629 86.8 86.8 83.4 87.4 83.8
2001 9283.560 1127 8179 93.4 93.4 84.5 94.0 85.0
2002 9217.090 1127 8017 91.5 91.5 85.2 93.4 85.8
2003 8762.570 1127 7557 86.3 86.3 85.3 88.8 86.1
2004 8318.190 1127 7186 81.8 81.8 85.0 84.0 85.9
2005 9929.000 1127 8657 98.8 98.8 86.1 100.6 87.0
2006 8163.920 1127 7087 80.9 80.7 85.7 82.7 86.7
2007 7978.560 1127 6934 79.2 78.9 85.2 80.8 86.3
2008 7642.690 1127 6654 75.8 75.4 84.6 77.2 85.8
2009 10097.360 1127 8760 100.0 100.0 85.5 102.3 86.7
2010 6977.310 1127 6109 69.7 69.4 84.6 70.7 85.8
2011 5599.900 1127 4872 55.6 55.6 83.1 56.7 84.3
2012 4486.580 1127 3941 44.9 44.4 81.1 45.3 82.3
2013 7167.720 1127 6191 70.7 70.7 80.6 72.6 81.9
2014 0.000 1127 0 0.0 0.0 77.0 0.0 78.1
2015 0.000 1127 0 0.0 0.0 73.6 0.0 74.7
2016 0.000 1127 0 0.0 0.0 70.5 0.0 71.6
2017 0.000 1127 0 0.0 0.0 67.7 0.0 68.7
2018 6428.380 1127 5623 64.2 63.8 67.5 65.1 68.6
2019 8077.290 1127 7011 80.0 79.6 68.0 81.8 69.1
2020 8481.350 1127 7378 84.0 84.0 68.6 85.7 69.7
2021 9636.220 1127 8357 95.4 95.1 69.5 97.6 70.6
2022 6536.560 1127 5681 64.8 64.5 69.3 66.2 70.5
2023 8554.070 1127 7395 84.4 84.1 69.8 86.6 71.0
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-02-15

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