
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Horizontal Pressure Tube type
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
202 MWe
202 MWe
220 MWe
801 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Nov, 1977
24 Oct, 1991
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
05 Jan, 1992
01 Jul, 1992

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
36.07 TW.h
66.0 %
76.1 %
34.0 %
64.8 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1992 567.040 200 3553 80.5 64.2 64.2 64.2 64.2
1993 83.310 200 548 6.3 4.8 24.7 4.8 24.7
1994 761.660 200 5494 62.7 43.5 32.2 43.5 32.2
1995 1036.810 200 5798 66.2 66.1 41.9 59.2 39.9
1996 1227.520 200 6572 74.8 69.9 48.1 69.9 46.6
1997 1568.710 200 8121 92.7 89.2 55.6 89.5 54.4
1998 1333.240 200 6829 78.0 75.0 58.6 76.1 57.7
1999 1425.940 200 7468 85.2 85.8 62.2 81.4 60.9
2000 1340.760 200 7182 81.8 79.9 64.3 76.3 62.7
2001 1343.010 200 6897 78.7 74.5 65.4 76.7 64.2
2002 1692.790 202 8416 96.1 94.8 68.2 95.7 67.2
2003 1287.090 202 7458 85.1 70.7 68.4 72.7 67.7
2004 1364.550 202 8447 96.2 78.9 69.2 76.9 68.4
2005 1222.910 202 7907 90.3 71.5 69.4 69.1 68.5
2006 1229.430 202 8278 94.5 71.9 69.6 69.5 68.5
2007 496.850 202 4808 54.9 30.0 67.0 28.1 65.9
2008 0.000 202 0 0.0 0.0 62.9 0.0 61.9
2009 0.000 202 0 0.0 0.0 59.3 0.0 58.3
2010 289.190 202 2282 26.0 18.3 57.1 16.3 56.0
2011 765.970 202 8014 91.5 45.3 56.5 43.3 55.4
2012 1120.090 202 8495 96.7 65.1 56.9 63.1 55.8
2013 1064.990 202 7697 87.9 63.6 57.2 60.2 56.0
2014 1245.700 202 8646 98.7 72.4 57.9 70.4 56.6
2015 1449.830 202 7467 85.2 83.9 59.0 81.9 57.7
2016 1551.470 202 7906 90.0 88.1 60.2 87.4 58.9
2017 1633.270 202 8327 95.1 92.9 61.5 92.3 60.2
2018 1488.420 202 7629 87.1 85.0 62.4 84.1 61.1
2019 1710.410 202 8760 100.0 97.8 63.7 96.7 62.4
2020 1615.020 202 8613 98.0 92.7 64.7 91.0 63.4
2021 1351.530 202 7331 83.7 76.4 65.1 76.4 63.9
2022 1474.350 202 8063 92.0 84.0 65.7 83.3 64.5
2023 1326.280 202 7085 80.9 75.4 66.0 75.0 64.8
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-24

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