
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Horizontal Pressure Tube type
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
205 MWe
202 MWe
220 MWe
801 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Oct, 1972
12 Aug, 1985
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
20 Sep, 1985
21 Mar, 1986

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
39.48 TW.h
63.7 %
76.1 %
36.3 %
61.5 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1985 Data from a trial operation not provided
1986 783.740 220 5303 56.3 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5
1987 1066.000 220 6382 72.8 55.5 47.3 55.3 47.2
1988 642.000 220 3535 40.2 33.2 42.2 33.2 42.1
1989 438.210 220 4350 49.7 22.7 37.0 22.7 37.0
1990 1082.360 215 7726 88.2 57.2 41.2 57.5 41.2
1991 1082.970 215 7642 87.2 86.6 49.0 57.5 44.0
1992 665.180 194 4751 54.1 54.2 49.7 39.0 43.3
1993 950.330 205 6625 75.6 77.1 53.0 52.9 44.5
1994 1032.140 194 7071 80.7 80.9 56.0 60.7 46.2
1995 274.660 194 1871 21.4 21.4 52.7 16.2 43.4
1996 1061.910 150 7256 82.6 82.2 54.8 75.1 45.7
1997 958.200 150 6464 73.8 72.4 56.0 72.9 47.4
1998 1104.220 150 7478 85.4 85.4 57.7 84.0 49.6
1999 879.940 150 5755 65.7 65.7 58.2 67.0 50.6
2000 1273.390 150 8304 94.5 94.6 60.1 96.6 53.1
2001 1119.140 150 7671 87.6 87.6 61.5 85.2 54.7
2002 22.710 155 183 2.1 1.7 58.5 1.7 52.0
2003 589.130 155 3135 35.8 40.0 57.7 43.4 51.6
2004 1274.310 155 7970 90.7 90.9 59.2 93.6 53.6
2005 1475.770 155 8165 93.2 91.2 60.6 108.7 55.9
2006 1086.590 202 7894 90.1 59.9 60.5 61.4 56.2
2007 971.070 202 8537 97.4 54.1 60.2 54.9 56.2
2008 715.690 202 7080 80.6 39.0 59.2 40.3 55.4
2009 931.470 205 8178 93.4 51.9 58.8 51.9 55.2
2010 806.130 205 7596 86.7 44.9 58.2 44.9 54.8
2011 1155.830 205 8600 98.2 64.4 58.5 64.4 55.2
2012 1181.560 205 8339 94.9 65.6 58.8 65.6 55.6
2013 561.740 205 3735 42.6 31.3 57.7 31.3 54.6
2014 1183.610 205 7755 88.5 65.9 58.0 65.9 55.1
2015 1254.200 205 7739 88.3 71.1 58.5 69.8 55.6
2016 1465.580 205 7865 89.5 81.4 59.3 81.4 56.5
2017 1615.200 205 8400 95.9 89.9 60.3 89.9 57.7
2018 1535.800 205 7772 88.7 85.5 61.2 85.5 58.6
2019 1530.730 205 7681 87.7 85.2 61.9 85.2 59.4
2020 1608.900 205 8151 92.8 89.4 62.8 89.4 60.4
2021 986.160 205 5628 64.2 54.9 62.5 54.9 60.2
2022 1562.480 205 7909 90.3 86.9 63.2 87.0 61.0
2023 1429.960 205 6960 79.4 78.6 63.7 79.6 61.5
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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