
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Horizontal Pressure Tube type
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
187 MWe
207 MWe
200 MWe
693 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Apr, 1968
08 Oct, 1980
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
01 Nov, 1980
01 Apr, 1981

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
38.85 TW.h
59.6 %
66.5 %
40.4 %
57.0 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1980 25.700 206 478
1981 686.000 220 7068 80.6 38.4 38.4 38.0 38.0
1982 372.900 206 3651 41.7 20.7 28.6 20.7 28.4
1983 957.200 202 6673 76.2 54.1 37.6 54.1 37.4
1984 908.730 185 5870 66.8 49.1 40.4 55.9 42.0
1985 959.920 184 6243 71.3 71.3 46.4 59.6 45.4
1986 1080.480 207 6743 77.0 59.6 48.8 59.6 48.0
1987 1031.100 207 6277 71.7 56.9 50.0 56.9 49.3
1988 1233.980 207 7935 90.3 67.9 52.4 67.9 51.8
1989 1084.210 207 6980 79.7 59.8 53.2 59.8 52.7
1990 1173.830 192 7151 81.6 68.7 54.8 69.8 54.4
1991 895.110 192 5416 61.8 63.0 55.5 53.2 54.3
1992 874.350 184 5297 60.3 58.1 55.7 54.1 54.3
1993 1153.480 184 6983 79.7 71.2 56.8 71.6 55.5
1994 519.420 184 3244 37.0 32.2 55.2 32.2 53.9
1995 0.000 184 0 0.0 0.0 51.6 0.0 50.5
1996 0.000 184 0 0.0 0.0 48.6 0.0 47.5
1997 0.000 184 0 0.0 0.0 45.8 0.0 44.8
1998 512.370 184 3728 42.6 49.6 46.0 31.8 44.1
1999 1162.330 184 7264 82.9 83.1 47.9 72.1 45.5
2000 1308.110 184 8104 92.3 92.3 50.0 80.9 47.2
2001 1348.280 184 7486 85.5 85.5 51.7 83.6 48.9
2002 1430.870 187 7768 88.7 89.0 53.3 87.4 50.6
2003 1391.450 187 8018 91.5 84.7 54.7 84.9 52.1
2004 1047.750 187 6806 77.5 77.8 55.6 63.8 52.6
2005 1134.780 187 7581 86.5 80.0 56.6 69.3 53.2
2006 1026.820 187 7207 82.3 70.4 57.1 62.7 53.6
2007 508.690 187 3758 42.9 34.0 56.3 31.0 52.8
2008 0.000 187 0 0.0 0.0 54.3 0.0 50.9
2009 470.720 187 2795 31.9 28.7 53.4 28.7 50.2
2010 1449.010 187 8286 94.6 90.5 54.6 88.5 51.4
2011 1528.780 187 8518 97.2 98.3 56.0 93.3 52.8
2012 1304.660 187 7265 82.7 81.5 56.8 79.4 53.6
2013 1498.710 187 8327 95.1 94.1 57.9 91.5 54.7
2014 1129.420 187 6534 74.6 70.9 58.3 69.0 55.1
2015 1304.850 187 8067 92.1 82.6 59.0 79.7 55.8
2016 711.150 187 4360 49.6 43.6 58.6 43.3 55.5
2017 1424.740 187 8171 93.3 87.5 59.3 87.0 56.3
2018 1187.270 187 6734 76.9 72.1 59.7 72.5 56.7
2019 998.120 187 6208 70.9 61.4 59.7 60.9 56.8
2020 644.590 187 4201 47.8 39.2 59.2 39.2 56.4
2021 1047.410 187 6093 69.6 63.9 59.3 63.9 56.6
2022 940.720 187 5424 61.9 57.4 59.3 57.4 56.6
2023 1211.090 187 6764 77.2 73.9 59.6 73.9 57.0
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-10-03

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