Suspended Operation

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
BWR-1 (Mark 2)
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
150 MWe
200 MWe
160 MWe
530 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Oct, 1964
28 Feb, 1969
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date Suspended Operation Date
05 May, 1969
28 Oct, 1969
13 Jul, 2020

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
46.97 TW.h
64.6 %
71.6 %
35.4 %
61.5 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2022

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1969 Data Not Provided
1970 "
1971 "
1972 218.000 210 1987 22.6 11.8 NC 11.8 NC
1973 1249.600 210 7402 84.5 67.9 NC 67.9 NC
1974 597.000 194 4016 45.8 35.0 38.3 35.1 38.4
1975 925.800 200 5654 64.5 52.8 41.9 52.8 41.9
1976 1137.900 210 6534 74.4 61.7 45.9 61.7 46.0
1977 1161.500 210 7650 87.3 68.2 49.7 63.1 48.9
1978 1146.100 210 6678 76.2 62.3 51.6 62.3 50.8
1979 993.000 210 6216 71.0 53.9 51.8 54.0 51.2
1980 899.900 210 6883 78.4 78.4 54.8 48.8 51.0
1981 964.000 210 6748 77.0 77.1 57.1 52.4 51.1
1982 556.700 210 4844 55.3 55.4 56.9 30.3 49.2
1983 867.700 200 7519 85.8 49.5 56.3 49.5 49.2
1984 803.110 200 5615 63.9 69.6 57.3 45.7 49.0
1985 1070.890 160 8059 92.0 83.4 58.9 72.0 50.3
1986 769.510 150 5615 64.1 58.6 58.9 58.6 50.7
1987 1167.190 150 8221 93.8 88.8 60.3 88.8 52.6
1988 813.500 150 6077 69.2 61.7 60.4 61.7 53.0
1989 427.060 150 3052 34.8 34.8 59.2 32.5 52.1
1990 762.380 150 7827 89.4 58.7 59.2 58.0 52.3
1991 848.460 150 6265 71.5 75.0 59.9 64.6 52.8
1992 819.840 150 6076 69.2 62.2 60.0 62.2 53.2
1993 779.720 150 5750 65.6 59.3 59.9 59.3 53.4
1994 843.610 150 6722 76.7 64.2 60.1 64.2 53.8
1995 640.000 150 4911 56.1 48.7 59.7 48.7 53.6
1996 361.170 150 3203 36.5 27.4 58.6 27.4 52.7
1997 775.710 150 6978 79.7 59.0 58.6 59.0 52.9
1998 881.060 150 6522 74.4 67.8 58.9 67.0 53.4
1999 1103.520 150 7711 88.0 86.4 59.7 84.0 54.3
2000 1023.110 150 7162 81.5 79.0 60.3 77.6 55.0
2001 1197.420 150 8364 95.5 93.3 61.2 91.1 56.0
2002 1163.290 150 7978 91.1 90.2 62.0 88.5 56.9
2003 1117.120 150 7890 90.1 85.9 62.7 85.0 57.7
2004 1238.260 150 8455 96.2 94.5 63.5 94.0 58.6
2005 893.320 150 6359 72.6 68.9 63.7 68.0 58.9
2006 1090.870 150 7439 84.9 82.6 64.2 83.0 59.5
2007 1142.360 150 7812 89.2 86.5 64.7 86.9 60.2
2008 1264.980 150 8462 96.3 95.8 65.4 96.0 61.0
2009 1201.410 150 7878 89.9 88.1 66.0 91.4 61.7
2010 1309.330 150 8760 100.0 98.9 66.7 99.6 62.6
2011 1149.620 150 7857 89.7 87.5 67.2 87.5 63.1
2012 1255.460 150 8723 99.3 95.3 67.8 95.3 63.8
2013 424.380 150 2982 34.0 32.3 67.0 32.3 63.2
2014 1275.950 150 8648 98.7 96.6 67.6 97.1 63.9
2015 740.830 150 5677 64.8 56.2 67.4 56.4 63.7
2016 563.580 150 3783 43.1 42.3 66.9 42.8 63.3
2017 1294.410 150 8561 97.7 97.0 67.5 98.5 64.0
2018 550.870 150 4388 50.1 41.7 67.0 41.9 63.6
2019 1262.160 150 8606 98.2 95.7 67.5 96.0 64.2
2020 542.060 150 3702 42.1 40.9 67.0 41.1 63.7
2021 0.000 150 0 0.0 0.0 65.8 0.0 62.6
2022 0.000 150 0 0.0 0.0 64.6 0.0 61.5
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.
NC – cumulative values not calculated when more than 50% of required data is missing in PRIS

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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