Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
22 MWe
17 MWe
25 MWe
92 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Jan, 1958
11 Apr, 1962
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
04 Jun, 1962
01 Oct, 1962
Permanent Shutdown Date
01 Aug, 1987

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
3.24 TW.h
68.8 %
72.4 %
31.2 %
67.1 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 1987

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1962 Data Not Provided
1963 "
1964 "
1965 "
1966 "
1967 "
1968 "
1969 "
1970 "
1971 119.300 25 5408 61.9 61.1 NC 54.6 NC
1972 69.400 25 2984 34.1 35.0 NC 31.7 NC
1973 103.000 22 5191 58.3 56.2 NC 52.6 NC
1974 158.300 22 7407 84.8 81.7 NC 82.4 NC
1975 153.200 21 7379 84.5 78.1 NC 83.5 NC
1976 177.000 22 8215 93.8 93.8 NC 91.8 NC
1977 133.900 22 6348 72.7 69.7 NC 69.7 NC
1978 136.700 22 6506 74.5 73.8 NC 71.1 NC
1979 76.700 22 4652 52.5 52.5 66.2 39.4 63.3
1980 167.900 22 7811 88.9 86.8 68.2 86.9 65.6
1981 132.300 22 6438 73.5 71.6 68.5 68.6 65.9
1982 154.100 22 7423 84.7 80.7 69.5 80.0 67.0
1983 149.100 22 7142 81.5 77.8 70.2 77.4 67.8
1984 122.640 22 6206 70.6 63.7 69.7 63.5 67.5
1985 113.730 22 5889 67.2 59.0 69.0 59.0 67.0
1986 146.220 21 7439 84.9 77.1 69.5 79.5 67.7
1987 55.510 22 2843 55.9 50.6 68.8 49.6 67.1
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.
NC – cumulative values not calculated when more than 50% of required data is missing in PRIS

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-10-03

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