Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
225 MWe
275 MWe
230 MWe
840 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Jul, 1960
01 Sep, 1965
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
01 Nov, 1965
30 Dec, 1965
Permanent Shutdown Date
31 Dec, 2006

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
60.66 TW.h
75.1 %
86.9 %
24.9 %
74.9 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2006

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1965 Data from a trial operation not provided
1966 Data Not Provided
1967 "
1968 "
1969 "
1970 1588.000 289 0 0.0 62.9 NC 62.7 NC
1971 1703.500 235 8809 100.0 82.3 NC 82.3 NC
1972 1709.450 285 8736 100.0 68.6 NC 68.7 NC
1973 1605.500 205 8736 100.0 89.0 74.3 89.6 74.4
1974 1687.000 205 8672 99.3 93.8 77.6 94.2 77.7
1975 1648.500 205 8736 100.0 92.0 79.6 92.0 79.8
1976 1530.500 205 8867 99.6 83.8 80.2 83.8 80.3
1977 1409.500 205 8736 100.0 78.9 80.0 78.7 80.1
1978 1333.500 205 8731 99.9 74.7 79.5 74.5 79.5
1979 584.500 205 6905 79.0 39.5 75.8 32.6 75.3
1980 34.500 205 540 6.2 2.1 69.7 1.9 69.2
1981 60.000 205 840 9.4 2.4 64.4 3.3 64.0
1982 1295.000 205 8666 99.2 72.3 65.0 72.3 64.6
1983 1481.000 205 8736 100.0 82.4 66.1 82.7 65.8
1984 1457.000 205 8736 100.0 80.9 67.1 81.4 66.8
1985 1668.170 212 8716 99.8 90.6 68.5 90.1 68.2
1986 1313.180 212 8678 99.3 70.2 68.6 70.9 68.3
1987 1527.390 212 8796 98.8 81.3 69.3 80.9 69.0
1988 1042.380 212 8568 98.1 61.7 68.9 56.3 68.4
1989 1101.500 212 8736 100.0 59.4 68.4 59.5 67.9
1990 1497.660 212 8711 99.7 81.0 69.0 80.9 68.5
1991 1600.200 212 8695 99.5 90.6 70.0 86.4 69.3
1992 1872.830 220 8905 100.0 95.9 71.1 98.2 70.6
1993 1609.690 220 8697 99.6 83.4 71.6 83.8 71.2
1994 1770.330 220 8101 92.7 92.0 72.5 92.1 72.0
1995 1514.040 220 6908 78.9 78.1 72.7 78.6 72.3
1996 1496.680 220 6725 76.6 76.7 72.8 77.4 72.5
1997 1723.870 220 7736 88.3 87.5 73.4 89.4 73.1
1998 1888.980 225 8647 98.7 95.8 74.2 95.8 73.9
1999 1604.540 225 7591 86.7 81.4 74.4 81.4 74.1
2000 1574.750 225 7859 89.5 79.7 74.6 79.7 74.3
2001 1462.720 225 7162 81.8 74.2 74.6 74.2 74.3
2002 1732.790 225 8349 95.3 87.9 75.0 87.9 74.8
2003 1279.730 225 6196 70.7 64.9 74.7 64.9 74.4
2004 1674.570 225 8280 94.3 84.7 75.0 84.7 74.8
2005 1216.730 225 6589 75.2 61.7 74.6 61.7 74.4
2006 1824.630 225 8671 99.0 92.8 75.1 92.6 74.9
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.
NC – cumulative values not calculated when more than 50% of required data is missing in PRIS

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-24

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