Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
150 MWe
150 MWe
173 MWe
595 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Oct, 1957
01 Aug, 1963
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
05 Feb, 1964
05 Feb, 1964
Permanent Shutdown Date
30 Mar, 1990

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
28.67 TW.h
81.0 %
94.5 %
19.0 %
81.6 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 1989

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1964 Data Not Provided
1965 "
1966 "
1967 "
1968 "
1969 "
1970 1320.500 170 0 0.0 84.7 NC 88.7 NC
1971 1288.300 167 8719 99.8 88.3 NC 88.3 NC
1972 1146.700 167 8736 100.0 76.4 NC 78.6 NC
1973 969.000 143 8717 99.8 77.9 NC 77.6 NC
1974 1063.800 143 8736 100.0 85.5 NC 85.2 NC
1975 1111.600 143 8691 99.5 89.3 83.7 89.0 84.6
1976 1107.000 150 8904 100.0 82.9 83.6 82.9 84.4
1977 1093.000 150 8697 99.6 83.0 83.5 83.4 84.2
1978 1064.650 150 8736 100.0 81.2 83.2 81.2 83.9
1979 1049.000 150 8736 100.0 79.9 82.9 80.0 83.6
1980 1044.500 150 8736 100.0 79.7 82.6 79.7 83.2
1981 944.300 150 8830 99.2 70.8 81.6 70.7 82.2
1982 923.700 150 8736 100.0 70.5 80.8 70.5 81.3
1983 1059.500 150 8688 99.4 80.0 80.8 80.8 81.2
1984 1083.500 150 8712 99.7 82.7 80.9 82.7 81.4
1985 1121.300 150 8697 99.6 85.5 81.2 85.6 81.6
1986 1144.600 150 8646 99.0 85.3 81.4 87.4 81.9
1987 1132.300 150 8567 96.2 84.4 81.6 84.8 82.1
1988 992.950 150 8652 99.0 74.8 81.2 75.8 81.8
1989 1013.050 150 8736 100.0 77.2 81.0 77.3 81.6
1990 Data Not Provided
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.
NC – cumulative values not calculated when more than 50% of required data is missing in PRIS

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-18

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