
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
EDF Energy
EDF Energy
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
620 MWe
615 MWe
680 MWe
1550 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Aug, 1980
23 Jun, 1988
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
12 Jul, 1988
01 Apr, 1989

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
145.86 TW.h
78.6 %
83.1 %
21.4 %
77.9 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1988 1653.770 615 2555
1989 2204.460 615 4454 35.1 56.9 56.9 22.2 22.2
1990 1487.040 615 3509 40.2 27.8 40.3 27.7 25.3
1991 1465.400 615 2786 31.9 36.9 39.1 27.3 26.0
1992 4095.950 615 7240 81.3 74.8 48.7 74.8 39.2
1993 4498.150 625 7376 84.4 82.3 55.8 82.7 48.4
1994 4181.110 625 7255 83.0 75.6 59.3 76.6 53.3
1995 5193.850 625 8286 94.3 94.5 64.6 94.6 59.5
1996 4707.350 625 7699 87.6 85.0 67.2 85.7 62.9
1997 4152.780 625 7105 80.9 75.2 68.1 75.6 64.4
1998 5019.390 625 8688 98.9 90.5 70.4 91.4 67.2
1999 4235.450 625 7212 82.1 76.6 71.0 77.2 68.1
2000 4415.350 625 7502 85.4 80.0 71.8 80.4 69.2
2001 5240.970 625 8534 97.2 91.4 73.3 95.5 71.2
2002 4413.960 625 7501 85.6 80.8 73.9 80.6 71.9
2003 5045.340 625 8444 96.4 92.0 75.1 92.2 73.3
2004 4115.670 625 7250 82.5 75.3 75.1 75.0 73.4
2005 4262.480 625 7317 83.5 78.0 75.3 77.8 73.7
2006 4603.970 615 8057 92.0 85.2 75.8 85.1 74.3
2007 4617.340 615 8006 91.4 85.8 76.4 85.7 74.9
2008 3879.330 615 7038 80.1 72.1 76.2 71.8 74.8
2009 4750.200 620 8497 97.0 87.7 76.7 87.6 75.4
2010 5000.040 620 8637 98.6 92.8 77.4 92.1 76.1
2011 3920.770 605 6772 77.3 73.2 77.3 74.0 76.0
2012 4158.330 610 7238 82.4 77.2 77.3 77.6 76.1
2013 4756.060 610 8071 92.1 87.7 77.7 89.0 76.6
2014 5228.250 610 8760 100.0 96.2 78.4 97.8 77.4
2015 4191.060 615 7038 80.3 77.1 78.3 77.8 77.4
2016 5262.550 615 8784 100.0 96.4 79.0 97.4 78.2
2017 5066.320 615 8510 97.2 93.1 79.5 94.0 78.7
2018 3805.180 620 6598 75.3 70.4 79.2 70.1 78.4
2019 5242.900 620 8760 100.0 96.0 79.7 96.5 79.0
2020 4993.670 620 8549 97.3 91.6 80.1 91.7 79.4
2021 2054.150 620 3862 44.1 38.8 78.8 37.8 78.1
2022 3697.110 620 6340 72.4 68.6 78.5 68.1 77.8
2023 4391.000 620 7598 86.7 81.2 78.6 80.8 77.9
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-01-25

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