
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
VVER V-320
Bulgarian Energy Holding
Kozloduy Npp ,lc
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
1003 MWe
953 MWe
1040 MWe
3120 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
09 Jul, 1980
05 Nov, 1987
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
29 Nov, 1987
23 Dec, 1988

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
203.97 TW.h
74.2 %
76.5 %
25.8 %
68.9 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1987 136.950 887 667
1988 3933.160 887 7027
1989 3355.080 953 4663 53.2 51.5 51.5 40.2 40.2
1990 3380.910 953 5592 63.8 41.8 46.6 40.5 40.3
1991 1950.370 953 2777 31.7 31.7 41.7 23.4 34.7
1992 3540.690 953 4982 56.7 47.0 43.0 42.3 36.6
1993 3278.010 953 4675 53.4 47.5 43.9 39.3 37.1
1994 2880.400 953 4350 49.7 48.0 44.6 34.5 36.7
1995 4699.340 953 5988 68.4 59.4 46.7 56.3 39.5
1996 4720.270 953 6468 73.6 73.8 50.1 56.4 41.6
1997 4410.250 953 6034 68.9 68.7 52.2 52.8 42.8
1998 3741.000 953 6467 73.8 73.3 54.3 44.8 43.0
1999 3423.210 953 4838 55.2 50.4 53.9 41.0 42.9
2000 4340.810 1000 5406 61.5 54.4 54.0 49.4 43.4
2001 5049.550 953 5940 67.8 61.5 54.6 60.5 44.7
2002 5095.850 953 7003 79.9 79.4 56.3 61.0 45.9
2003 5596.690 953 8579 97.9 98.6 59.1 67.0 47.3
2004 4842.040 953 5906 67.2 67.2 59.6 57.8 48.0
2005 5513.480 953 6641 75.8 75.2 60.5 66.0 49.0
2006 6047.020 953 6691 76.4 75.7 61.4 72.4 50.3
2007 6669.920 953 7090 80.9 80.2 62.4 79.9 51.9
2008 7341.290 953 7796 88.8 87.8 63.6 87.7 53.7
2009 7181.550 953 7759 88.6 87.7 64.8 86.0 55.2
2010 7293.300 953 7620 87.0 85.9 65.7 87.4 56.6
2011 7639.250 953 7878 89.9 89.7 66.8 91.5 58.2
2012 7534.460 953 7876 89.7 89.1 67.7 90.0 59.5
2013 6569.820 953 7551 86.2 85.1 68.4 78.7 60.3
2014 7580.910 963 7912 90.3 89.7 69.2 89.9 61.4
2015 7502.660 963 7856 89.7 89.3 70.0 88.9 62.4
2016 7562.340 963 7875 89.6 88.6 70.6 89.4 63.4
2017 7369.190 963 7580 86.5 85.9 71.2 87.4 64.2
2018 7561.290 963 7788 88.9 88.3 71.8 89.6 65.1
2019 7825.410 1003 7808 89.1 88.5 72.3 92.1 66.0
2020 7881.460 1003 7768 88.4 87.8 72.8 89.5 66.7
2021 7946.420 1003 7771 88.7 88.3 73.3 90.4 67.5
2022 8104.370 1003 7923 90.4 90.0 73.8 92.2 68.2
2023 7932.760 1003 7888 90.0 88.3 74.2 90.3 68.9
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-18

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