Permanent Shutdown

Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
VVER V-230
State Enterprise “Radio Active Waste”
Kozloduy Npp ,lc
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
408 MWe
408 MWe
440 MWe
1375 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
01 Apr, 1970
22 Aug, 1975
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
24 Aug, 1975
10 Nov, 1975
Permanent Shutdown Date
31 Dec, 2002

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
62.82 TW.h
71.4 %
79.2 %
28.6 %
64.4 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2002

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1975 296.900 404 1256 43.0 36.1 36.1 36.3 36.3
1976 2529.700 407 7310 83.2 75.8 70.1 70.8 65.9
1977 2850.600 408 7397 84.4 79.8 74.6 79.8 72.3
1978 3112.380 408 7913 90.3 90.0 79.4 87.1 77.0
1979 2927.900 408 8050 91.9 81.9 80.0 81.9 78.2
1980 2852.800 408 7266 82.7 79.6 79.9 79.6 78.4
1981 2699.600 408 7154 81.7 79.1 79.8 75.5 78.0
1982 2789.200 408 7859 89.7 89.7 81.2 78.0 78.0
1983 2946.900 408 8026 91.6 91.6 82.5 82.4 78.5
1984 2653.170 408 7465 85.0 82.3 82.4 74.0 78.0
1985 2939.600 408 7836 89.4 89.5 83.1 82.2 78.4
1986 2776.860 408 7511 85.7 84.9 83.3 77.7 78.4
1987 2634.480 408 7439 84.9 84.9 83.4 73.7 78.0
1988 1964.860 408 6617 75.3 74.4 82.7 54.8 76.2
1989 2694.610 408 7959 90.9 84.5 82.9 75.4 76.2
1990 2430.300 408 7158 81.7 79.3 82.6 68.0 75.6
1991 2546.560 408 7515 85.8 82.3 82.6 71.2 75.4
1992 4.130 408 101 1.2 0.1 77.8 0.1 71.0
1993 2314.940 408 8577 97.9 72.6 77.5 64.8 70.6
1994 1697.660 408 5431 62.0 53.4 76.2 47.5 69.4
1995 1344.970 408 4893 55.9 41.2 74.5 37.6 67.8
1996 2070.400 408 8680 98.8 69.0 74.2 57.8 67.4
1997 1431.530 408 5404 61.7 61.9 73.7 40.0 66.1
1998 1929.240 408 6706 76.6 56.1 72.9 54.0 65.6
1999 1842.110 408 8454 96.5 56.6 72.3 51.5 65.0
2000 1574.050 440 5549 63.2 48.0 71.2 40.7 64.0
2001 2536.360 408 6816 77.8 71.0 71.2 71.0 64.3
2002 2426.860 408 6794 77.6 76.8 71.4 67.9 64.4
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2024-09-18

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