
Reactor Details

Reactor Type Model Owner Operator
Reference Unit Power (Net Capacity) Design Net Capacity Gross Capacity Thermal Capacity
995 MWe
888 MWe
1033 MWe
2941 MWt
Construction Start Date First Criticality Date
16 May, 1974
16 Jun, 1983
First Grid Connection Commercial Operation Date
13 Aug, 1983
10 Dec, 1984

LifeTime Performance

Electricity Supplied Energy Availability Factor Operation Factor Energy Unavailability Factor Load Factor
284.97 TW.h
85.5 %
87.9 %
14.5 %
85.0 %
Lifetime performance calculated up to year 2023

Operating History

Year Electricity Supplied
Reference Unit Power
Annual Time On Line
Operation Factor
Energy Availability Factor
Load Factor
Annual Cumulative Annual Cumulative
1983 360.800 887 1294
1984 4038.420 887 5771 21.6 20.0 20.0 15.8 15.8
1985 4429.400 898 5342 61.0 60.3 57.2 56.3 53.2
1986 5129.000 898 6208 70.9 68.2 62.5 65.2 58.9
1987 6392.000 898 7569 86.4 83.7 69.4 81.3 66.2
1988 6669.000 898 7599 86.5 84.1 73.0 84.6 70.7
1989 6750.000 930 7771 88.7 86.0 75.6 82.8 73.2
1990 6642.000 930 7699 87.9 84.5 77.1 81.5 74.6
1991 6836.000 930 7810 89.2 87.0 78.5 83.9 75.9
1992 6875.000 887 7898 89.9 86.5 79.5 88.2 77.4
1993 6599.000 930 7401 84.5 83.2 79.9 81.0 77.8
1994 6868.000 930 7758 88.6 86.8 80.6 84.3 78.5
1995 5708.000 900 6387 72.9 70.4 79.7 72.4 77.9
1996 7972.000 947 8755 99.7 99.0 81.4 95.8 79.5
1997 6411.000 915 7198 82.2 77.6 81.1 80.0 79.5
1998 7349.000 949 7943 90.7 89.1 81.7 88.4 80.2
1999 8147.000 945 8741 99.8 98.7 82.8 98.4 81.4
2000 7681.000 991 8008 91.2 89.5 83.3 89.3 81.9
2001 7798.000 991 8056 92.0 89.8 83.7 89.8 82.4
2002 8397.000 998 8737 99.7 97.6 84.5 96.0 83.2
2003 7581.110 995 7900 90.2 87.3 84.7 86.9 83.4
2004 7734.270 995 7949 90.5 88.6 84.9 88.5 83.7
2005 7640.500 995 8548 97.6 88.2 85.0 87.7 83.9
2006 7418.370 995 7971 91.0 85.4 85.1 85.1 84.0
2007 7574.760 995 7876 89.9 87.4 85.2 86.9 84.1
2008 7436.290 995 7768 88.4 85.2 85.2 85.1 84.1
2009 5499.760 995 5758 65.7 63.1 84.2 63.1 83.2
2010 7996.120 995 8231 94.0 91.7 84.5 91.7 83.6
2011 6674.510 995 6946 79.3 76.6 84.2 76.6 83.3
2012 7388.220 995 7666 87.3 84.5 84.2 84.5 83.4
2013 8687.390 995 8760 100.0 99.3 84.8 99.7 84.0
2014 7096.390 995 7226 82.5 81.0 84.7 81.4 83.9
2015 7397.930 995 7725 88.2 84.4 84.6 84.9 83.9
2016 8439.800 995 8560 97.4 95.9 85.0 96.6 84.3
2017 7522.940 995 7689 87.8 85.7 85.0 86.3 84.4
2018 7592.830 995 7718 88.1 86.8 85.1 87.1 84.4
2019 8630.080 995 8760 100.0 99.2 85.5 99.0 84.9
2020 7654.100 995 7848 89.3 87.6 85.6 87.6 85.0
2021 7085.780 995 7324 83.6 81.9 85.5 81.3 84.9
2022 8532.560 995 8715 99.5 98.0 85.8 97.9 85.2
2023 6634.810 995 7025 80.2 75.8 85.5 76.1 85.0
Performance indicators are calculated from the Commercial Operation Date.

Above data generated by the PRIS database. Last update on 2025-02-15

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